Written by Gianluca Freda |
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 23:01 |
During the years of our childhood was happy with the beautiful rintontirci comics Mickey Mouse. We get lost in the whirlwind playful Disney's Adventures of brooding rat. We traveled with the imagination in a rarefied dimension where the complexity of human relationships and moral categories had been rewritten and reduced to its basic characteristics. Tread softly on the streets of Mickey Mouse, colorful city populated by sewer rats, cows, horses, dogs and animals with multiple words, common sense and human feelings, from which the men had been canceled. He sensed upstream of childlike narration, the signs of a monstrous task of ethnic cleansing that antihuman Commissioner whiskers had been ordered to remain silent. But did not care. The sewer rats of mice were so cheerful, carefree, colorful. So different from us, but animated by strong ethical principles and recognizable from the ancient and vivid dichotomy of good and evil of the Crusaders, who did not hesitate to recognize as our own. Their moral superiority, cultural and even technology seemed obvious. Spennacchiotto and Dr. Enigma mocked with laughter tenor of the backwardness of our Neanderthal petrochemical, steel and basic metals. These rats were celebrating the 'homo superior . We would have gladly offered their raids, we would be happy come down with joy in their graves, we greeted recognition of their humanitarian bombing, overflowing with BOOM! and BANG!, our neighborhoods. For the most part we did really. Children of school Gorla Milan on the morning of October 20, 1944, exploded with happiness when Mickey Mouse and Goofy came from heaven to do justice to them. Were their liberators. Before being reduced in offal, would have liked a little chat 'with their heroes, asking their city full of colors, inviting them to breakfast with milk and cookies in the dining room of their house to the railing. If you think about it, invite a black rat alta circa un metro a bere il latte del mattino con voi non è esattamente un’idea felice. E’ una cosa schifosa e perversa. Chi riuscirebbe a ingurgitare anche un solo boccone avendo di fronte un gigantesco ratto di fogna in calzoncini vermigli che disquisisce di frivolezze con una vocetta stridula? Eppure immenso è il potere della riconversione mediatica dell’immaginario. Prima che arrivassero le pantegane topoliniensi, i bambini italiani sognavano di essere poliziotti (Dick Fulmine), eroi della guerra civile spagnola (Romano il Legionario), avventurieri dello spazio (Saturno contro la Terra), “indiani bianchi” del West (il “Kit Carson” di Rino Albertarelli). Ci vollero anni di propaganda pervasiva per condurli a desiderare di essere pantegane. Anche in questo è possibile notare la superiorità psico-propagandistica dei servizi d’intelligence di Topolinia. Essi prendono tutto ciò che è rivoltante, antiumano, sgradevole, degradante, insopportabile e lo rendono fragrante e desiderabile come una torta di mele di Clarabella. Le pantegane invaderanno il vostro tinello, occuperanno la vostra casa, berranno nella vostra ciotola e voi non soltanto non telefonerete inorriditi al servizio di disinfestazione, ma le accoglierete con un sorriso, come si fa con gli ospiti di riguardo. L’invasione di questi putridi roditori pone, tra le altre cose, alcuni gravi problemi di carattere sanitario. Essi sono portatori di malattie gravi, tra cui la leptospirosi, la salmonella, la toxocariasi e la democrazia. Quest’ultima patologia, nello specifico, presenta un carattere epidemico particolarmente virulento. Le ultime manifestazioni epidemiche di democrazia, in Iraq e in Afghanistan, hanno già provocato milioni di vittime. Ma anche in questo caso, gli apparati di propaganda topoliniensi si sono fatti in quattro per presentare l’affezione di questo morbo devastante come una condizione fisica privilegiata e altamente desiderabile. Essenzialmente, la patologia democratica attacca la gerarchia del merito e delle funzioni istituzionali all’interno di una nation. It places peremptorily on the same intellectual level, with a special constitutional assembly, the deserving and scoundrels, the wise and the foolish, the learned men and the women. In a democracy, a fool does not say stupidity, but is legitimate, though not always authoritative, opinions, and to protect his right to blather on important issues in the case, every good citizen should be called a Democrat willing to offer voltairianamente life. At its end, democracy provides access to high state offices and public positions that are important in themselves illiterate and unable occurring, rather than considering them protected category or mining workforce (in the case of suckers female) useful tools demographic expansion. This destroys the roots of economic strength, political and military of the country, undermines the governability, it disintegrates into a myriad of current idiotic policies entrenched in the implementation of goals, allowing the sewer rats to take control. And 'why the sewer rats in red shorts constantly extol the virtues of democracy, just as the brigades of mercenaries considered the plague of which they were carrying an added value and a manifestation of divine predilection incontrovertible. In this depraved excitement and anointing of the horrible disease, they are easy to culture medium in the mass majority of widely habentes minus, which, forgetful their health, praising the egalitarian apostolic virtues plague to death also in terrible agony, with blackened flesh from the rash of nonsense livid inconclusive. psychological operations include landscaping of the prosaic reality implemented by the intelligence of mice, stands the deification of the category of "human rights". No one has understood what kind of stuff are these fetishes, but we know that Eta Beta, from time to time, he pulls a couple out of the inexhaustible pocket to throw a flip or soffiarcisi nose. They relate to sphere of political philosophy, that of abstraction and reverie farfallesca, which is the natural habitat of our delightful comic sewer rats. Individual freedom, right to life, right to self-determination, right to a fair trial, right to a dignified existence ... superfine concepts, of which Professor Pico de'Paperis often preaches in his learned work, receiving the unanimous appreciation of the whole unconditional citizenship. But there are some rules that must be strictly adhered to if you do not want the sewer rats s'incazzino seriously. The first is to not ever claim rights that humans can benefit from in practice, such as the right to free housing, the right to a job and a decent wage, the right to intervene directly in the choices of the government, the right to free health care and a good standard, the right not to be intercepted and spied upon by the authorities, the right not to see their incomes taxed beyond the limit of survival, the right not to be seen removing essential resources like water and food from the intrigues of multinationals, etc.. All that is real and human anger people is nice rats with yellow boots. Disney does not ruin a dream with claims of squalid materialism. The more abstract rights that were designed precisely for the purpose of replacing the demands of their material rights with a virtual simulacrum. Rodents hate comics that actually interfere with the daily lives of members of their colonies. The reality is a very dangerous place for a rat drawn. The second rule to follow is to never ask to stick to the sewer rats, they first, to the dictates of their philosophical abstractions. The "human rights" are a creation of the authorities topoliniensi, it is they who hold the copyright, only they are entitled to use as a measure of morality others. Woe to apply them against their own creators. This would be an infringement of copyright, that the laws of mice punish with extreme severity. Refrain therefore the population of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and the few survivors of the massacre at Waco in 1993 (special teams did at the time of whiskers 76 murder victims, including 21 children and 2 women pregnant) from reproach to rats celebrating their inconsistency. Human populations do not receive protection from the law of Mickey Mouse, unless it agrees to be reduced to puppets designed to talk to balloon and get published on albetti 32-page 4-color. Some people have however, embarked on this difficult path to legalization: the funny heroes of the "revolution in Libya, for example, will appear soon in a new animated series and will be co-stars of the new animated feature film of Winnie the Pooh. The grinning horde of mice plays charming features of his rough fur blackish, squeaking voice of a child as he prepares to tear the audience enraptured. The plague that brings with it are sought after, fought every single virus s'infiocchetta of bright ribbons and is tinged with rainbow and invades the mortal host body. I've heard with my ears, on TV, a "guerrilla" Libyan Taliban-like, with long, kinky black beard, told a reporter: "All we want is to live as we in the West." It 's the Disney dream that unifies humanity in a cosmic viral reservoir, the desire to return children who welcomes every horror stained blaze of innocence. Also in Libya men of good will want nothing more than get in their dining mice playful, talking to their lost childhood, to share with their milk and cookies while between taxes shining rays of dawn serene. mice, of course, they do not pray. |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Oxy Can Make Blood Appear
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