LONDON - More bad weather in Central Italy also leads the victims. In the Marches, dozens of families were evacuated nell'Anconetano. A Cassette d'Ete (Fermo) two persons, who were traveling by car, you are swallowed by the Aare Dead and one of the two was later found dead. Ascoli a woman aged 85 was found dead in a ditch. And in Cervia, Emilia Romagna, a person - it is not known yet whether man or woman - died in the car stuck in a flooded underpass. Another person, also in the car, was rescued and taken to hospital.
Overwhelmed by FULL - The two people swept away by the flood are a man of 51 years, Joseph Santacroce, whose body was later found by divers stranded in some trees, and a girl of 20, Valentina Aller, still missing , daughter of his partner, Salvatore Granata, who was saved. Their car was taken away by water, which at that point was close to two meters. The entire town of the country (a cluster of about 2,800 residents where there is also the shoe company Tod's, Diego Della Valle) has been invaded by the flood.
Marche flagellate by bad weather
Underwater also several plants and warehouses. Ete overflows are the living, the dead Ete, Tronto, Aso and South Menocchia in the center of the region, Misa, the Esino Nevola the roller and further north. Ascoli woman aged 85 found dead in a ditch on Tuesday had left the house to go to mass. Is likely to have lost their bearings because of darkness, wind and rain, falling into the creek. In Senigallia, are evacuating dozens of families living along the river Cesano, which crosses the entire city. sweeping mud and water Cassette d'Ete
NIENTE L'ENERGIA - In tilt l'erogazione di energia elettrica e la rete viaria dell'intera regione marchigiana: diverse strade provinciali sono chiuse a causa di frane, smottamenti e allagamenti. Anche l'accesso al capoluogo è a rischio di interruzione, per un fiume water and mud that has invaded the Adriatic highway 16, at the height of the landslide Barden. The airport "Sanzio" Falconara-Ancona was closed for the flooding of the runway.
Romagna in the Snow (IPP) |
The Bora more than 140 kilometers per hour
HUNDRED INJURED IN TRIESTE - also uncomfortable in the Northeast. The Bora, which blows from the Gulf of Trieste on Tuesday, reached into the night the 147 miles per hour in the morning that has touched 160. On the morning of the strong wind broke the mooring pontoon Ursus, a crane 80 meters high resting on a floating platform, which is adrift in the Gulf over Julian. After the breaking of the cables, the pontoon was dragged by the wind in the bay of the Gulf in front of the square of the Unification of Italy. At that point were made by the tugs, alerted by the Port, who hooked the massive structure and began maneuvers to bring the platform to shore. A tugboat moored in the accident near all'Ursus - a pontoon built in 1914 and now used only for art installations - is drifting over the Harbour and is activating the operations to retrieve the boat. Firefighters and police are releasing the streets of uprooted trees, tiles and bins to help the nearly one hundred wounded who had to resort to medical care. According to meteorologists this is one of the strongest events of the last twenty years.
Emergency Bora
YouReporter RCD-
YouReporter RCD-
TRANSPORT PROBLEMS - Strong gusts hanno causato anche l'interruzione dei collegamenti ferroviari. I treni sono rimasti fermi alla stazione di Trieste, sostituiti nella notte da bus-navetta, a causa della caduta di 250 metri di linea tra il bivio di Aurisina e Monfalcone. Per tutta la gioranta di mercoledì è previsto vento ancora molto forte, attorno ai 120 chilometri orari, con lieve attenuazione nella serata. I metereologi, però, mantengono lo stato di allerta poiché, anche qui, la situazione potrebbe essere aggravata da neve e conseguente formazione di ghiaccio. Il golfo di Trieste si presenta vuoto, poiché le navi merci sono tutte ferme sulle coste croate.
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