Letojanni (Messina) - "It's not true ... talk to the lawyer. " Says little M'Hammed El Mahroug, but denies that her daughter has a different age from that which has always said. "It is true that has been recorded to the registry two years after the birth - her lawyer confirmed Venera Scrima - I say this without hesitation because I have spoken with his father recently. Karima has come of age four months ago. "
The lawyer was almost waiting for the "alleged news." "The voice turned to day - he said - someone asked me and I had also informed his father, who categorically denies. Perhaps the lawyer Ghedini fa riferimento ad usanze che in Marocco esistevano 50 anni fa, ma non in questo caso». E poi, si interroga il legale, perché i genitori avrebbero dovuto ingannare carabinieri e giudici ancora prima che Karima diventasse la Ruby dello scandalo col premier? «Per quattro anni - dice - i genitori si sono rivolti alle nostre istituzioni. In tribunale hanno accettato anche la richiesta della figlia di non tornare a casa purché restasse in una struttura protetta. Era affidata ai servizi sociali. Piuttosto bisogna interrogarsi sul perché nessuno l'abbia protetta». È quel che si chiede anche il padre che ha scritto una sorta di appello denuncia: «Voglio che si faccia luce sull'operato di quanti, comprese le forze dell'ordine, avendo Karima in charge of the destiny of leaving have not been able to protect that, while research and therefore well known to police themselves, were quietly forced into prostitution. " The legal father of Karima tells of being "a man in mourning," and this has set the drapes on the windows blacks. "I do not have the strength to return to Morocco - he confessed - why I do not know how to face my elderly mother." It defends himself: "It is true that abused my daughter, I never launched the boiling water. The scar on the head when he goes back to a year. I'm not as described to me and still come back if the welcome with open arms. " Meanwhile, Ruby, Vienna, joked: "Berlusconi is not saw my birth certificate, should ask my mother. "
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