Scritto da Gianluca Freda Devo ammettere che avevo sottovalutato Gheddafi. Dopo l’avvio del colpo di stato organizzato contro il suo regime dai soliti uomini-ombra statunitensi, I could have sworn that it would stand no more than a few days. It seemed Frollo, rimbambolito decades of debauchery with the nurses, unprepared to face a situation of concentrated attack by the military and media power not only of western intelligence circles who organized the coup, but the majority of Arab states and, of course, by industry of its own army and even his own family entourage. I would bet that the military forces loyal to Saddam would have laid down their arms in a hurry and would pass rapidly from the army of the rebel factions, those who are still trying to overthrow the regime with the support - now explicit - Anglo-American professional military strategy, leaked to the mercenary troops of Egypt and of the propaganda barrage of international media, which have never ceased, for a whole week, throwing up on world public opinion their ridiculous lies and inconsistent, impersonating a coup for "people's revolution," producing contortions in logic and visual prestidigitation while hiding the reality of what is happening in Libya behind the fiction of some ballet bazarioti Square revelers, often paid for dancing or reversed in contexts with Libya has nothing to do. Invece il vecchio leone sta opponendo una discreta resistenza, il che dimostra che il sostegno di cui gode presso le gerarchie militari e l’opinione pubblica del suo paese è ancora forte, nonostante gli equilibrismi sfoggiati dall’apparato di disinformazione globale per dimostrare il contrario. Naturalmente è difficile immaginare che questa resistenza disperata possa riuscire ad avere la meglio su forze così soverchianti, salvo che intervengano nell’agone dello scontro quelle forze politiche emergenti (Russia e Cina in primis) le quali, per il momento, non sembrano avere la minima intenzione di interferire. Questo è almeno ciò che show the appearance of diplomatic statements and their support for international anti regrets, the (nonexistent) "massacres of demonstrators" attributed to the regime, as well as their unconditional support to the UN resolutions of condemnation. What really are planning behind the exterior of the external public, only time will tell. In any case, it is always instructive and encouraging to see how does the leader of a sovereign and independent from the attacks on forces of foreign powers. Not trying to sell, but fights. He does not fly at night, loading up the stolen goods hastily improvised caravans, but organized the counter-attack with all forces at his disposal. Even before the near certainty of a catastrophic defeat, would change our entire political class - by Berlusconi to D'Alema, Prodi passing, Vendola, Fini and all the good company of mercenaries verbose U.S. haranguing us from television screens every day on celestial sanctity of "human rights" - with a single Gaddafi, even tonight, and with great joy. For the moment, I note with satisfaction that the international media controlled the U.S. have dampened the spotlight on Libya, which is a sign that something is happening. It is not clear what this "something". It could be a deal between the rebel factions and the army still loyal to the Colonel for a surrender or transfer of parts of the territory. The numerous defections to Libyan officials, as Abdel Moneim Al-Honi and Ali al-Essawi, respectively ambassadors to the Arab League in Cairo and India, suggest that it is already in an advanced state of planning a post-Qadhafi that these mice hope to escape roles of any significance. Even former ministers of Gaddafi as Sharif Aref, head of the Libyan air force, and Abdul al-Fatah Yunis, Minister degli interni, hanno rapidamente abbandonato la nave, probabilmente avendo in mente la stessa illusoria prospettiva. Gheddafi sembra però poter ancora contare sulla fedeltà del suo braccio destro, Abdullah Sinusi, capo dei servizi d’intelligence nonché cognato del colonnello. Potrebbe anche essere in preparazione un qualche tipo di incidente “false flag” da attribuire alla responsabilità del leader libico per giustificare un intervento diretto della “comunità internazionale” (altro nome degli Stati Uniti d’America). Potrebbe darsi – but here we enter the field of pure speculation hypothetical - that the Russians behind the statements of fact, have actually decided to protect the interests of Gazprom in Cyrenaica providing technological support to the Libyan government and military. It would be a novelty, had already happened at the time of the attack by Israel to Lebanon, where Hezbollah forces were able to have because of the Zionist troops thanks to technology provided by the Russian military, through triangulation with Iran. It might even be - and here we enter the field of the most visionary science fiction - a sudden attack of shame of the media, which, after a few days ago made a fool with the spread of titanic shit and now widely proven wrong as such, have decided to keep the strip closed to public opinion not to lose what little credibility that remains (assuming it remains him). But, I repeat, do not believe it either. Shame is a function of the zombies never implemented in software that provide misinformation and to those who qualify. Under the cover of "Libyan revolution" Cazzari the media and the masses have their slaves broke all records for the Olympics, respectively, and cialtroneria credulity. Have been bandied about - and continue to show off - air strikes against Libyan aviation crowds of Tripoli. Only, if you turn off the "post comment of" and listen to local witnesses, no one has seen these attacks and even the crowds. The only thing seen in Tripoli comparable to a crowd riot in the small group of people gathered in the square of the same Gaddafi during his public speech, given on days when the clowns of our own media said the "barricaded himself in an underground bunker" or flight to Caracas, or even deceased. Their total lack of decency is heavy because of the public terminal decerebration teleutente, made clay in their hands (we will call "The public of idiots") and a victim of deprivation of the sense of reality. And 'this deprivation that allows spreaders of crap to get away. The public is not totally rimbecillito still remember what it is, in practice, a bombing against an aviation city and understand that it's hard not to notice or do not have filmed evidence. We too have experienced the emotion of Italian bombing, at a time when "democracy" was happily brought to us by his hard-working local representatives, we should remember the impact, at least in outline. Unfortunately, to defend ourselves against the champions of "human rights" there was then no Gaddafi and now even more of a Mussolini. The highest point of idiocy uninformative was reached with the images of "mass graves" in Tripoli, which turned out to be more "common" than previously believed: they were in fact on normal burial pits dug in the cemetery in Tripoli on one occasion that the events of recent days had nothing to do. Of course, no director or editor has apologized to its users for having taken them for a ride once again. And what about the pictures of rioters masses, in turn Bahrain and Yemen, and passed off as "riots in Libya? Not to mention the images of hooligans who throw themselves off a building the image of the Green Paper, which images the cheap symbolism to remind scholars of the mechanisms of propaganda similar to the shooting of killing of the statue of Saddam in Iraq, also carefully orchestrated by the media carousel for the consumption of Western teleovini. For days there was talk of "demonstrators marching towards Tripoli." You may not otherwise brain wondered why the army astounded libico, fosse pure ridotto a non più di un paio di carri armati, non si decidesse a schiacciare una volta per tutte sotto i cingoli questa massa di popolastro vociante. Passavano i giorni e niente succedeva. I carri armati restavano fermi. Il popolastro marciava, e marciava, e marciava. Deve aver marciato fino allo sfinimento, tanto che Tripoli non è mai stata raggiunta. Forse i “manifestanti” si sono persi nel deserto, che com’è noto separa tra loro i principali centri abitati, non essendo la geografia libica esattamente paragonabile a quella dell’hinterland milanese. O forse, sfiniti dalla marcia, si sono fermati a rifocillarsi nel McDonald’s dell’oasi più vicina. Fatto sta che all’improvviso the heroic uprising of the runners have dissolved into thin air, gloriously entered the Walhalla of crap without restraint, alongside Neda and underground hideout of Osama in Tora Bora. In sciorinare bunch of bullshit in the press, could not miss the classics, like "weapons of mass destruction" in the possession of the demon lord of the Bedouins. "Gaddafi is in possession of at least 10 tonnes of gases such as 'mustard gas'," wrote the horrified English El Pais , "also known as 'mustard gas': U.S. and Britain are worried now for the fate of weapons of mass destruction. " I'm a bit 'worried, having heard this litany and having a pretty good idea of \u200b\u200bhow accurate it ends. It is in fact already obtained an order against the UN unspecified "crimes" committed by Gaddafi to defend his country from foreign aggression. There is already talk of embargoes and no-fly zone, in short, the usual. It is not hard to imagine the fate that awaits Libya - where, this time, a decisive intervention in the conflict of powers under the USA scullery maids than are European countries - is very similar to that applied to Iraq: massacres indiscriminate attacks on civilians at the hands of contractors mercenaries (known human rights defenders) that already going crazy in the land, seizure of oil and natural gas reserves by Western corporations (perhaps with some crushed sop reserved for companies, not trampling them too, as was done with the concessions of Nasiriyah ENI), splitting the country in areas of tribal and religious influence, in order to ensure a perpetual civil war, making it weak and easily controlled by the forces of "humanitarian" in the area . An apocalyptic framework, but we have seen, set up with the cheering support of fools who see this devastation of a sovereign nation no other than the "heroic people's rebellion against a dictator." How can you be so honest after more than two decades of color revolutions, by implementing more or less all the same pattern and with the same pretext, is a matter that relates to philosophical, theological and perhaps psychiatry. Admittedly, this sarabande of nonsense printed and televised, there are some distinct positive Berlusconi newspapers, on which we have seen occur between the haze of bells, some rarely flash of truth, some article of Marcello Foa, some evidence from the pack. Unfortunately not so positive was the performance of the owner of these press organs. He, after having traveled for years hand in hand with Gaddafi, almost to the proposed trade on par with dentists and nurses, has quickly revived the ancestral protocol Italian volte-face, condemning the "violence" against demonstrators contradicted by his own newspaper, denying agreements signed with Libya more than a few months ago and once again preparing to turn Italy into a runway to bring the oppressed American North African neighbor across the humanitarian relief of the bombing. No surprise, given that the same cynicism by miserable opportunist had demonstrated at the time of the attack on Iraq. Perhaps this is what the massive operation was intended to "soften" waged against him in recent months, amid allegations of child abuse, betrayal of allies guided from Washington, defections in the parliamentary team, riots in the capital triggered by frustrated young men, left free to the occasion to vent their empty brain against ATM and storefront shops. And 'treason villain appears likely that this little man of Arcore a clever move, the opportunity to take a breath of fresh air after months and months of coordinated attacks by concentric oltreatlantico that have weakened and made malleable. In fact, after the turnabout, the prospects for him to have made less bleak. The renegades of Fli are largely returned to their ranks, leaving the poor Fini in front of his own nothingness and parliamentary politics. The government now has a few more numbers to resist the besieged citadel which is perched. The rumors have already been transferred to Ruby on the pages of gossip, altered, allowing lawyers to siege a few minutes breathing space to reorganize a strategy. Opinion leaders as pro-American fugitives Giuliano Ferrara and Paolo Guzzanti have già manifestato il proposito di schierarsi nuovamente, come prodighi figliuoli di ritorno al tetto natìo, a difesa della reputazione paterna, già rinnegata e sconfessata durante il “periodo russo” del capo del governo. De Michelis si è profuso nella descrizione dei grandi riconoscimenti ed onori che verranno al nostro dalla svendita a costo di realizzo di quel poco di politica internazionale indipendente che aveva messo in campo negli ultimi dieci anni. Onori smisurati, simili a quelli riservati dagli USA a Bettino Craxi, di cui il capelluto ex discotecaro socialista era già stato, a suo tempo, consigliere fraudolento. I do not want to throw cold water on his hopes, but if Berlusconi hopes to escape with the betrayal of allies to the fate that the United States still in Serbian for him, perhaps would do well to look at the long list of faithful servants and unfaithful U.S. that have been unceremoniously dismissed when their usefulness has failed quota. The recent troubles of Ben Ali and Mubarak loyalists should be sufficient, even for themselves, teach him something. Although, to be honest, I think they are empty words. To learn from international politics should have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat international politics, which is asking too much of a salesman of casseroles. Account, however, innate ability to recognize their jackals like the smell, even if hidden under the most accommodating and mellifluous disguises. Gaddafi family also should know something. On April 21, 2009, Mutassim Gadhafi, son del'attuale "enemy of freedom of peoples," was received with full honors in Washington by Hillary Clinton. "It 's a great pleasure," you sdilinquiva Clinton in 2009, "that I welcome the Minister Gaddafi at the State Department. We attach great importance to relations between the United States and Libya. Abbiamo grandi opportunità per approfondire e ampliare la nostra cooperazione e personalmente ho la ferma intenzione di consolidare i nostri rapporti. Pertanto, signor ministro, sia il benvenuto tra noi”. Berlusconi farebbe bene a riflettere sul valore e sull’affidabilità dell’amicizia di queste vipere, prima di ritrovarsi tra capo e collo un “approfondimento della cooperazione” simile a quello riservato alla famiglia del leader libico. Nonché sul fatto che, quando questa “cooperazione” entrerà nella sua fase risolutiva, non ci sarà più nessun Putin, nessun Ben Ali, nessun Gaddafi to turn to for support or even political asylum. |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Cake Decorated With Bike
Dangerous Liaisons
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