Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The counteroffensive bombing Gaddafi's thunder on TV:" Italy was forced to apologize "

ADJABIYA (LIBIA)  - Muammar Gheddafi è tornato in tv in occasione del 34mo anniversario della fondazione della Jamahiria. «Dal 1977 ho dato il potere al popolo e da allora non ho più poteri nel paese né di tipo politico né di tipo amministrativo», afferma Gheddafi parlando ai suoi sostenitori a Tripoli. «Saluto e faccio gli auguri al popolo libico per questa ricorrenza - ha affermato - dal 3 marzo del 1977 abbiamo passato il potere al popolo e voglio ricordare al mondo che da allora ho dato il potere al popolo. Abbiamo vinto l'occupazione italiana e americana e il popolo gestisce il petrolio e i suoi proventi». Questa volta l'incontro tra Gheddafi ed i suoi sostenitori si tiene al chiuso. Il colonnello è seduto dietro ad una scrivania, circondato da guardie del corpo, e tiene un discorso per il 34esimo anniversario della nascita dei Comitati popolari. Si tratta del suo terzo discorso da quando è iniziata la rivoluzione in Libia. «Non ho un incarico dal quale dimettermi, come negli altri paesi - aggiunge -. Sono rimasto stupito quando ho visto le manifestazioni in mio sostegno in diverse zone del paese - ha aggiunto - perché il mio non è un posto di potere dal quale dimettersi». «Quello che sta succedendo è solo una provocazione from outside, from abroad, and that has nothing to do with the Libyans. There are outer circles that are causing all that is happening, the opposition comes from outside Libya, and if they decided to attack our symbol we are ready to die one by one to defend our country. " Sitting with the thundering voice rais launched its blackmail the world: "They want us back as slaves were under the Italians?" Gaddafi said: "I do not ever accept, we will enter into a bloody war and thousands and thousands of Libyans die if U.S. or NATO will enter the country. "
Gaddafi back on TV: "I have forced Italy to bow"
A BERLUSCONI "LIBYA IS ME ' - Claiming the role of his" guide "policy and praising the" revolution "Libya's Gaddafi in Tripoli, speaking at the ceremony, added:" We have forced the' Italy to bow. " Italy, Gaddafi said, "was forced to apologize for its military occupation" and to pay for it. We have forced Italy to admit his mistakes resulting in a historic success ... And all the former colonial powers were shocked. " Gaddafi had previously insisted that the Libyan people is "challenged all over the world." It was first subjected to the threat colonial and it is now, but since it was established the Jamaihiria, he said, the "people are free." The Colonel then appealed directly to Berlusconi: "He said that Libya does not control? I answer that the family Gaddafi is Libya. " Minister Frattini, commenting on the latest statements on Italy of the Libyan leader, chose not to reply: "I do not respond to Gaddafi, the anti-Italian rhetoric is a sign of weakness of the regime."
AL QAEDA - "Al Qaeda came in prisons, has recruited criminals sentenced to life imprisonment and armed them - said Gaddafi -. In Libya, there is no single political prisoner, for the simple reason that power is in the hands of the people. " According to the Libyan leader of Al Qaeda sleeper cells into action to Bedia when the uprising began "attacking battalion and local police stations." Al Qaeda cells are present, according to Gaddafi, also Zawia, Benghazi and Misurata.
INQUIRY - "In the first clash (dall'esplodere the uprising in Libya, ed) there were 100 to 150 dead and I was surprised because we have gone after a short time thousand deaths. I asked it to open an investigation to understand what happened, "said the colonel. "They attacked the stations Police and took control of the area with weapons, "he added. Gaddafi said he then asked "to this brigade in al-Baydha not to attack the demonstrators."
OIL - Gaddafi also said that the oil fields in Libya are safe, but that foreign companies have been deterred by the bandits. "The oil fields are safe ... but companies are afraid, "he said in a speech, adding that what they fear they are" armed outlaws. " He added, "will replace Western oil companies in Libya with the Chinese and Indian."
BREG - Previously, the regime of Colonel sent more than 500 armored vehicles to Brega to retake the city. An eyewitness claims that the Libyan air force bombed the city, even if the forces loyal to the regime seems to have had the upper hand over insurgents who had only light weapons. Brega landed in the airport of three military planes loaded with Libyan troops and armored vehicles that are unfolding in districts of the city: according to reports from the satellite network Al Arabiya the death toll would be at least 14 deaths. Then a strong explosion was heard near the University of Marsa el Brega, west of Benghazi. For al-Jazeera, the budget of this attack is 4 people dead and many injured. Some witnesses reported that the blast occurred near an area where the rebels were able to stop a group of pro-government troops. . Gaddafi's troops have launched a major counteroffensive to retake the night of the city but at the moment it would appear that the rebels have the upper hand. Brega is about sixty miles from Adjabiya, whose military arsenal was attacked again on Wednesday morning by the Air Force of Gaddafi, without consequences, just Adjabiya should be the next stage of the counter-offensive of the forces of Saddam, and the opposition is preparing to defend the city. All this comes as news that the former justice minister Mohammad Mustafa Abdeljalil chair the 'National Council' of 30 members set up by opponents who control eastern Libya.
USA and China - If international intervention on Libya will not be evaluated with extreme caution, "there is the risk that Libya sink into chaos and becomes a giant in Somalia," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who then added as the U.S. is still far from any decision on the "No Fly Zone". China also took action on the subject: the solution to the crisis in Libya must be obtained "only through peaceful means," said the Permanent Representative of China to the UN, Li Baodong, President of the Council di Sicurezza a marzo, escludendo quindi l'ipotesi di una no-fly zone.
BARROSO  - «È tempo che Gheddafi se ne vada» ha detto il presidente della Commissione europea Josè Manuel Barroso osservando che «le azioni assolutamente inaccettabili compiute dal regime libico nelle ultime settimane hanno ormai fatto capire che Gheddafi è parte del problema, non della soluzione». Ed è quindi «tempo che se ne vada». La situazione in Libia, soprattutto per la forte pressione di profughi alle frontiere è «una tragedia umanitaria»: per questo la Commissione ha deciso di aumentare il contributo per gli aiuti umanitari dai 3 milioni stanziati nei giorni scorsi a 10 milioni.
IL PAPA  - Il Papa «ha espresso la sua preoccupazione per la gente innocente intrappolata in questa terribile tragedia» in Libia. Lo ha riferito Josette Fheeran, direttore esecutivo del programma alimentate mondiale delle Nazioni Unite, ricevuta in udienza privata oggi da Benedetto XVI.
LEGA ARABA  - La situazione in Libia è «tragica» ha detto il segretario generale della Lega araba Amr Mussa, davanti ai ministri degli Esteri arabi. «Non la dobbiamo accettare e dobbiamo sostenere il popolo libico che sta soffrendo molto nel suo cammino verso la libertà». Fra le opzioni per garantire la sicurezza del popolo libico c'è anche quella di imporre una no fly zone di agreement between the Arab League and the African Union (AU). You read it in the final resolution of the meeting of foreign ministers pan-Arab body.
LIBYAN LEAGUE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: '6mil DEAD "- Meanwhile, a member of the Libyan League for Human Rights cited by satellite TV al-Arabiya," he announced a new total budget of the victims. "We counted 6 thousand deaths since the revolt against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi"
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT - The Prosecutor of the ICC has decided: it was on Libya opened a formal investigation to determine if, to suppress the insurrection broke out dopo il 15 febbraio, siano stati commessi crimini contro l'umanità.


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