Masashi Goto, at a press conference in Tokyo in from 'the BBC news, said that for Japan it promises a serious crisis, one of the reactors of the Fukushima-Daiichi and '"highly unstable" and that the consequences of a possible merger would be "tremendous."
A former designer of nuclear power stations Japanese accused the Japanese government of not telling the whole truth 'about the situation of atomic plants damaged by the earthquake. Masashi Goto, at a press conference in Tokyo referred to 'the BBC news, said that Japan is a prospect of a serious crisis, one of the reactors of the Fukushima-Daiichi and '"highly unstable" and that the consequences of a possible merger would be "tremendous."
So far the Japanese government has said that any merger would not lead to the release of significant amounts of radioactive material. Goto and 'a different view: he believes the Fukushima-Daiichi reactors are subjected to pressure increases beyond expected levels when they were built. There 's a serious risk of an explosion with radioactive material' shot 'over a large area, well beyond the size of the evacuation of twenty kilometers from the tax authorities'. Goto said that in the reactor 3 of Fukushima-Daiichi, where the pressure is rising to the explosion risk, and 'was used a type of fuel called MOX (a mixture of plutonium oxide and uranium oxide): the fallout could be two times worse. The nuclear expert has accused the government of deliberately hiding vital information: "It 's not been told enough about how and' been mooted hydrogen. Goto also described as "highly unusual and dangerous" use of sea water to cool the reactor in Fukushima-Daiichi. describing the worst case scenario, the expert said there would be "the fusion of the nucleus. If the bars fall and mix with water and the result of 'an explosion of solid material, like a volcano that spreads radioactive material. steam or a hydrogen explosion can disperse the waste over 50 kilometers. And all this is likely to be multiplied: there are many reactors in the area, so 'there may be many Chernobyl ". Source: Link
September 11: found explosives in the towers, now and 'official
March 12, 2011 - News of Iranian Radio in Italian - e-Journal Now it's official. Traces of explosives nano-thermite were collected from the debris of the WTC collapse shortly after 11 / 9 / 2001. At Brigham Young University physics professor, Dr. Steven Jones, made the discovery of explosives along with an international team of nine scientists. Thanks hence the more extensive laboratory testing, scientists have concluded that the specimen showed that these nano-thermite explosives, generally used for military purposes. After a rigorous peer-review process, their paper was published in Bentham Chemical Physics Journal, one of the most authoritative journals in the U.S. and has approved some Nobel Prize winners, being respected within the scientific community. First author of the study is Dr. Niels Harrit 37, a chemistry professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and an expert in nano-chemistry, which says: "The official put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics." The Government is now aware of evidence that confirm the presence of explosive Nano-Thermite, used to drop all WTC Towers on 9 / 11.
The Knights of Malta, a prime example of planetary domination
Most ordinary people are convinced that the politicians would have to manage files of any nation, but it is not so. It is obvious that people really like self-deception ... Politicians have only the tasks. Politicians are simply mandates conferred in certain areas making all sorts of manipulation to be inculcated to the public the impression that they are in charge. All the characters, who occupy the seats of governments, are nothing more than just controlled by other managers (The hidden hand) who are above them. In every nation the president and prime minister only serves to cover the identity of those in charge really. All the presidents and prime minister must necessarily be members of a Masonic lodge, and must obey the orders that give them the same lodge. The various decisions of these 'pay as' not going for the welfare of the population, but for members located at the top of that lodge, or the bankers, corporate controllers, the controllers of military equipment, etc.. Those who provide such guidance to the various premiers and presidents are the real masters, the manager of the bloodline. Their task in each countries where they operate is to introduce a program of centralized dictatorship to a centralized global power, in their own area of \u200b\u200binfluence. This is how I can introduce the same laws and same changes, in small steps, simultaneously in every country in the world.
There are many Masonic organizations. Different names, but with the same purpose, molded in a pyramid where the top are the few who control the whole world structure, which is responsible for the royal families. It should be pointed out that royal families are not the top of the pyramid. In addition there is another level infradimensionale. To give a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow a company I will speak of the Masonic Knights of Malta. My choice has no preference for talking about another aspect Masonic society, for example, the Knights Templar or the Order of the Illuminati does not change much because, as I explained before, all the secret societies are linked together by the same ultimate goal. The Order of Malta is one of the most ancient and powerful elite Order of the Vatican. The order is under strict control of the Jesuits. From Order of Malta official website you can read their history of 960 years: 1048 Jerusalem Birth Order dates back to 1048. Merchants from the ancient Maritime Republic of Amalfi obtained from the Caliph of Egypt to Jerusalem for permission to build a church, a convent and a hospital to care for pilgrims of every faith or race. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem - the monastic community that ran the hospital for the pilgrims in the Holy Land - became independent under the leadership of its founder, Blessed Gerard. Pope Paschal II, with the Bull of 15 February 1113, puts the hospital of St John under the tutelage of the Holy See, with the right to freely elect their leaders without interference from other religious or secular authorities. By virtue of the Papal Bull, the Hospital became Order exempt from the Church. All the Knights were religious, bound by the three monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Jerusalem by the Crusaders forced the Order to take the military defense of the sick, the pilgrims and the territories that the Crusaders by the Muslims. At Mission Hospital we added the task of defending the faith. then adopted the white eight-pointed Cross, which still stands as a symbol of the Order. 1310 in Rhodes In 1291 after the loss of S. Acre - the last bastion of Christianity in the Holy Land - the Order settled first in Cyprus and then, in 1310, under the guidance of Grand Master Fra 'Foulques de Villaret, on the island of Rhodes. Since then, the defense of the Christian world calls for a naval force and the Order built a powerful fleet and sailed the Eastern Mediterranean, pledging to defend Christianity in many famous battles including the crusades in Syria and Egypt. From the beginning, the independence from other states, by virtue of pontifical acts, along with the universally recognized right to maintain and deploy armed forces, is the basis of international sovereignty of the Order. Since the beginning of the fourteenth century the institutions of the Order and the knights who came Rhodes from all over Europe come together in Languages. First seven: Provence, Auvergne, France, Italy, Aragon (Navarre), England (with Scotland and Ireland) and Germany. In 1492 and constituted the eighth Langue of Castille and Portugal split off from the Langue of Aragon. Each Langue included Priories or Grand Priories, and Bailiwicks Commanderies. The Order was ruled by the Grand Master (the Prince of Rhodes) and Council, minted its own money and maintained diplomatic relations with other states. The other officers of the Order were given to representatives of the different languages. The headquarters of the Order, the Convent, was composed of religious of various nationalities. 1530 in Malta After six months of siege and fierce combat against the fleet and army of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in 1523 the Knights were forced to surrender and leave the island of Rhodes, with military honors . The Order is without a territory for several years, until in 1530 the Grand Master Fra 'Philippe de Villiers de l'Isle Adam took possession of the island of Malta, which was sold to the Order by the Emperor Charles V with the approval Pope Clement VII. It is stipulated that the Order should remain neutral in wars between Christian nations. In 1565 the Knights, led by Grand Master Fra 'Jean de la Valette (Which gave its name to the capital of Malta, Valletta), defended the island for more than three months during the Great Siege Turkish. 1571 the Battle of Lepanto The fleet of the Order, one of the most powerful in the Mediterranean, contributing to the destruction of the Ottoman naval power in the battle of Lepanto in 1571. 1798 in exile Two centuries later, in 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte committed to the campaign in Egypt, Malta deals for its strategic value. The Knights were forced to leave the island, partly because the Order's Rule prohibiting them to raise weapons against other Christians. Despite il Trattato di Amiens del 1802 riaffermasse i suoi diritti sovrani, l’Ordine non ha mai potuto ritornare a Malta. 1834 a Roma Dopo essersi trasferito temporaneamente a Messina, a Catania e a Ferrara, nel 1834 l’Ordine si stabilisce definitivamente a Roma dove possiede, garantiti da extraterritorialità, il Palazzo Magistrale, in Via Condotti 68, e la Villa Magistrale sull’Aventino. Il 20° e il 21° secolo La missione originaria dell’assistenza ospedaliera ritorna ad essere l’attività principale dell’Ordine, che si intensifica nel corso dell’ultimo secolo, grazie al contributo delle attività dei Gran Priorati e National Associations in many countries around the world. hospital and assistance activities are carried out on a large scale during the First and Second World War under the Grand Master Fra 'Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere (1931-1951). Under the Grand Master Fra 'Angelo de Mojana of Cologne (1962-1988) and Fra' Andrew Bertie (1988-2008), the projects expanded to reach the more remote regions of the planet. Sovereign Military Order of Malta The SMOM is an elite Roman Catholic Knighthood headed by a Grandmaster who works at the command of Pope Belonging to it comes from Politics, Industry, Finance, Military, Intelligence, Media ed Intrattenimento. Cavalieri e Dame innanzitutto giurano lealtà al Papa e poi al loro paese. “Difendere la fede” e aiutare gli altri membri mentre si serve l’Ordine costituisce la loro etica. Tenendo a mente queste correzioni, sapendo che l’attuale copertura porta all’Arcivescovo di New York – ora il Cardinale Edward Egan – abbiamo maggiori dettagli su “Chi” sia stato coinvolto nell’omicidio di un Presidente (Kennedy) che fu innanzitutto un Americano e secondariamente un Cattolico Romano che rifiutò di imporre il Potere Temporale del Papa. Quel “Chi” si estende al Watergate e ai Contras dell’Iran. Quel “Chi” includes the Knight of Malta William F. Buckley Jr., the Knight of Malta William J. Casey, the Knight of Malta Alexander Haig Jr., the Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Oliver North and Knight of Malta now, with demolition of the WTC, the Knight of Malta George J. Tenet. All these traitors were or are now under the control of the Jesuits of Fordham University and Georgetown, which govern the "Holy Roman" American Empire Papale of the Fourteenth Amendment. Registered
list of the Knights of Malta *
Written by Eric Samuelson, JD Edward Fenech Adami Drolor Bosso Adamti General Allavena George W. Anderson James Jesus Angelton
Samuel Alito Julian Allason Joe M. Allbaugh Roberto Alejos Arzu Silvio Berlusconi Grandmaster, Prince Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie (cousin of QEII) deceased. (Former Prime Minister) Tony Blair Michael Bloomberg Elmer Bobst Marie Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs (Dame Lindy Boggs) Geoffrey T. Boisi John Robert Bolton Charles Joseph Bonaparte Prince Valerio Borghese Dr. Barry Bradley Nicholas Brady Joseph Brennan Monsignor Mario Brini Pat Buchanan James Buckley William F. Buckley, Jr. George H.W Bush George W. Bush Jeb Bush Precott Bush, Jr. Frank Capra (King) Juan Carlos Frank Charles Carlucci III William Casey Michael Chertoff Gustavo Cisneros (President) Bill Clinton (Cardinal) Terence Cooke Gerald Coughlin (Senator) John Danforth John J. DeGioia Cartha DeLoach Giscard d'Estaing Giulliano di Bernardo Bill Donovan Allen Dulles Avery Dulles (Archbishop) Edward Egan Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr. Noreen Falcone (Count) Franz Egon John Farrell Matthew Festing (79th Grand Master) Edwin J. Feulner Francis D. Flanagan Raymond Flynn Adrian Fortescue (16th century) John C. Gannon Licio Gelli Reinhard Gehlen Burton Gerber Rudy Giuliani Emilio T. González Dr. Lawrence Gonzi Sir John Gorman CVO Thomas K. Gorman J. Peter Grace Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank Gen. Alexander Haig Cyril Hamilton Otto von Hapsburg William Randolph Hearst Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. (Baron) Conrad Hilton Heinrich Himmler Richard Holbrooke J. Edgar Hoover Leonard G. Horowitz Daniel Imperato Lee Iococca Carl Nicholas Karcher Francis L. Kellogg Joseph Kennedy (Senator) Ted Kennedy Henry A. Kissinger Bowie Kuhn Cardinal Pio Laghi Cathy L. Lanier Joseph P. Larkin Louis Lehrman General de Lorenzo Clara Booth Luce (Dame) Henry Luce Thabo Mbeki Angus Daniel McDonald George MacDonald Nelson Mandela Avro Manhattan Alexandre de Marenches John McCone Thomas Melady Sir Stewart Menzies (Prince) Angelo di Mojana Thomas S. Monaghan Lord Christopher Walter Monckton Rupert Murdoch Robert James "Jim" Nicholson Oliver North Joseph A. O'Hare Francis (Frank) V. Ortiz Thomas 'Tip' O'Neill George Pataki Cardinal Patronus Fra Giancarlo Pallavicini Fra Hubert Pallavicini Franz von Papen Baron Luigi Parrilli Juan Peron Peter G. Peterson Harold A.R. 'Kim' Philby Augusto Pinochet Eric Prince John J. Raskob (President) Ronald E. Reagan John Charles Reynolds George Rocca Nelson Rockefeller David Rockefeller Francis Rooney Rick Santorum General Giuseppe Santovito Antonin Scalia Walter Schellenburg Phyllis Schlafly (Dame) John E Schmitz Joseph Edward Schmitz (Blackwater) Stephen A. Schwarzman Frank Shakespeare Martin F. Shea Clay Shaw William Edward Simon Jr. Jennifer Sims Frank Sinatra Frederick W. Smith Cardinal Francis Spellman Francix X. Stankard Steve Stavros Myron Taylor George Tenet Fritz Thyssen Richard Torrenzano Admiral Giovanni Torrinsi (Prince) Anton Turkul Albrecht von Boeselager Winfried Henckel von Donnersmark Thomas Von Essen Amschel Mayer von Rothschild Robert Ferdinand Wagner, Jr Kurt Waldheim General Vernon A. Walters Col. Albert J. Wetzel Canon Edward West Gen. William Westmoreland Gen. Charles A. Willoughby William Wilson Robert Zoellick Gen. Anthony Zinni
Fotografie di Membri del SMOM
La Dama di Malta Regina Beatrice d'Olanda
Queen of Malta Queen Elizabeth II
Knight of Malta in Africa Nelson Mandela
The Grand Master Andrew Bertie
The Prince and Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing with the Pope
Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1744-1812) - note well the arms
The Rothschilds Jesuit and the court are 'guardians of the papal treasury
Order of Malta: The service went to the wave of propaganda to TG2
Author's preface: Edoardo Capuano / Sources: - taken from : www.ecplanet.
During the years of our childhood was happy with the beautiful rintontirci comics Mickey Mouse. We get lost in the whirlwind playful Disney's Adventures of brooding rat. We traveled with the imagination in a rarefied dimension where the complexity of human relationships and moral categories had been rewritten and reduced to its basic characteristics. Tread softly on the streets of Mickey Mouse, colorful city populated by sewer rats, cows, horses, dogs and animals with multiple words, common sense and human feelings, from which the men had been canceled. He sensed upstream of childlike narration, the signs of a monstrous task of ethnic cleansing that antihuman Commissioner whiskers had been ordered to remain silent. But did not care. The sewer rats of mice were so cheerful, carefree, colorful. So different from us, but animated by strong ethical principles and recognizable from the ancient and vivid dichotomy of good and evil of the Crusaders, who did not hesitate to recognize as our own. Their moral superiority, cultural and even technology seemed obvious. Spennacchiotto and Dr. Enigma mocked with laughter tenor of the backwardness of our Neanderthal petrochemical, steel and basic metals.
These rats were celebrating the 'homo superior . We would have gladly offered their raids, we would be happy come down with joy in their graves, we greeted recognition of their humanitarian bombing, overflowing with BOOM! and BANG!, our neighborhoods. For the most part we did really. Children of school Gorla Milan on the morning of October 20, 1944, exploded with happiness when Mickey Mouse and Goofy came from heaven to do justice to them. Were their liberators. Before being reduced in offal, would have liked a little chat 'with their heroes, asking their city full of colors, inviting them to breakfast with milk and cookies in the dining room of their house to the railing.
If you think about it, invite a black rat alta circa un metro a bere il latte del mattino con voi non è esattamente un’idea felice. E’ una cosa schifosa e perversa. Chi riuscirebbe a ingurgitare anche un solo boccone avendo di fronte un gigantesco ratto di fogna in calzoncini vermigli che disquisisce di frivolezze con una vocetta stridula? Eppure immenso è il potere della riconversione mediatica dell’immaginario. Prima che arrivassero le pantegane topoliniensi, i bambini italiani sognavano di essere poliziotti (Dick Fulmine), eroi della guerra civile spagnola (Romano il Legionario), avventurieri dello spazio (Saturno contro la Terra), “indiani bianchi” del West (il “Kit Carson” di Rino Albertarelli). Ci vollero anni di propaganda pervasiva per condurli a desiderare di essere pantegane. Anche in questo è possibile notare la superiorità psico-propagandistica dei servizi d’intelligence di Topolinia. Essi prendono tutto ciò che è rivoltante, antiumano, sgradevole, degradante, insopportabile e lo rendono fragrante e desiderabile come una torta di mele di Clarabella. Le pantegane invaderanno il vostro tinello, occuperanno la vostra casa, berranno nella vostra ciotola e voi non soltanto non telefonerete inorriditi al servizio di disinfestazione, ma le accoglierete con un sorriso, come si fa con gli ospiti di riguardo.
L’invasione di questi putridi roditori pone, tra le altre cose, alcuni gravi problemi di carattere sanitario. Essi sono portatori di malattie gravi, tra cui la leptospirosi, la salmonella, la toxocariasi e la democrazia. Quest’ultima patologia, nello specifico, presenta un carattere epidemico particolarmente virulento. Le ultime manifestazioni epidemiche di democrazia, in Iraq e in Afghanistan, hanno già provocato milioni di vittime. Ma anche in questo caso, gli apparati di propaganda topoliniensi si sono fatti in quattro per presentare l’affezione di questo morbo devastante come una condizione fisica privilegiata e altamente desiderabile. Essenzialmente, la patologia democratica attacca la gerarchia del merito e delle funzioni istituzionali all’interno di una nation. It places peremptorily on the same intellectual level, with a special constitutional assembly, the deserving and scoundrels, the wise and the foolish, the learned men and the women. In a democracy, a fool does not say stupidity, but is legitimate, though not always authoritative, opinions, and to protect his right to blather on important issues in the case, every good citizen should be called a Democrat willing to offer voltairianamente life. At its end, democracy provides access to high state offices and public positions that are important in themselves illiterate and unable occurring, rather than considering them protected category or mining workforce (in the case of suckers female) useful tools demographic expansion. This destroys the roots of economic strength, political and military of the country, undermines the governability, it disintegrates into a myriad of current idiotic policies entrenched in the implementation of goals, allowing the sewer rats to take control. And 'why the sewer rats in red shorts constantly extol the virtues of democracy, just as the brigades of mercenaries considered the plague of which they were carrying an added value and a manifestation of divine predilection incontrovertible. In this depraved excitement and anointing of the horrible disease, they are easy to culture medium in the mass majority of widely habentes minus, which, forgetful their health, praising the egalitarian apostolic virtues plague to death also in terrible agony, with blackened flesh from the rash of nonsense livid inconclusive.
psychological operations include landscaping of the prosaic reality implemented by the intelligence of mice, stands the deification of the category of "human rights". No one has understood what kind of stuff are these fetishes, but we know that Eta Beta, from time to time, he pulls a couple out of the inexhaustible pocket to throw a flip or soffiarcisi nose. They relate to sphere of political philosophy, that of abstraction and reverie farfallesca, which is the natural habitat of our delightful comic sewer rats. Individual freedom, right to life, right to self-determination, right to a fair trial, right to a dignified existence ... superfine concepts, of which Professor Pico de'Paperis often preaches in his learned work, receiving the unanimous appreciation of the whole unconditional citizenship. But there are some rules that must be strictly adhered to if you do not want the sewer rats s'incazzino seriously. The first is to not ever claim rights that humans can benefit from in practice, such as the right to free housing, the right to a job and a decent wage, the right to intervene directly in the choices of the government, the right to free health care and a good standard, the right not to be intercepted and spied upon by the authorities, the right not to see their incomes taxed beyond the limit of survival, the right not to be seen removing essential resources like water and food from the intrigues of multinationals, etc.. All that is real and human anger people is nice rats with yellow boots. Disney does not ruin a dream with claims of squalid materialism. The more abstract rights that were designed precisely for the purpose of replacing the demands of their material rights with a virtual simulacrum. Rodents hate comics that actually interfere with the daily lives of members of their colonies. The reality is a very dangerous place for a rat drawn.
The second rule to follow is to never ask to stick to the sewer rats, they first, to the dictates of their philosophical abstractions. The "human rights" are a creation of the authorities topoliniensi, it is they who hold the copyright, only they are entitled to use as a measure of morality others. Woe to apply them against their own creators. This would be an infringement of copyright, that the laws of mice punish with extreme severity. Refrain therefore the population of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and the few survivors of the massacre at Waco in 1993 (special teams did at the time of whiskers 76 murder victims, including 21 children and 2 women pregnant) from reproach to rats celebrating their inconsistency. Human populations do not receive protection from the law of Mickey Mouse, unless it agrees to be reduced to puppets designed to talk to balloon and get published on albetti 32-page 4-color. Some people have however, embarked on this difficult path to legalization: the funny heroes of the "revolution in Libya, for example, will appear soon in a new animated series and will be co-stars of the new animated feature film of Winnie the Pooh.
The grinning horde of mice plays charming features of his rough fur blackish, squeaking voice of a child as he prepares to tear the audience enraptured. The plague that brings with it are sought after, fought every single virus s'infiocchetta of bright ribbons and is tinged with rainbow and invades the mortal host body. I've heard with my ears, on TV, a "guerrilla" Libyan Taliban-like, with long, kinky black beard, told a reporter: "All we want is to live as we in the West." It 's the Disney dream that unifies humanity in a cosmic viral reservoir, the desire to return children who welcomes every horror stained blaze of innocence. Also in Libya men of good will want nothing more than get in their dining mice playful, talking to their lost childhood, to share with their milk and cookies while between taxes shining rays of dawn serene.
vaccines, that's the whole story: 80 U.S. doctors denounce the dangers of vaccination practice
Questo documento, “ Vaccines: Get the full story ” , giunge dall’ambiente medico statunitense (International Medical Council on Vaccination) .
L’elenco dei firmatari è lungo, e quello qui sotto si limita ai soli firmatari medici, con qualifiche MD, DO, MB, MBBCH, che contraddistinguono per l’appunto terapeuti attivi e dotati di laurea in medicina, ma è stato firmato anche da infermieri ed altri cittadini a vario titolo (ad esempio da molti genitori contrari alle vaccinazioni).
Ottanta medici che rischiano la radiazione dall’albo per questo loro scottante documento :
Nicola Antonucci, David Ayoub, Nancy Turner Banks, Timur Baruti, Danny Beard, rancoise Berthoud, Russell Blaylock, Fred Bloem, Laura Bridgman, Kelly Brogan, Sarah Buckley, Rashid Buttar, Harold Buttram, Lisa Cantrell, Lua Català Ferrer, Jeniffer Craig, Robert Davidson, Ana de Leo, Carlos de Quero Kops, Carolyn Dean, Mayer Eisenstein, Todd M. Elsner, Jorge Esteves, Edward Ted Fogarty, Jack Forbush, Gabrieli Milani, Sheila Gibson, Mike Godfrey, Isaac Golden, Gary Goldman, Gary Gordon, Doug Graham, Boyd Haley, Gayl Hamilton, Linda Hegstrand, James Howenstine, Suzanne Humphries, Belèn Igual Diaz, Philip Incao, Joyce Johnson, A. Majid Katme, Tedd Koren, Alexander Kotok, Eneko Landaburu, Luc Lemaire, Janet Levatin, Thomas Levy, Stephen L’Hommedieu, Paul Maher, Andrew Maniotis, Steve Marini, Juan Manuel Martinez Méndez, Sue McIntosh, Richard Moskowitz, Sheri Nakken, Christiane Northrup, Amber Passini, Ronald Peters, Jean Pilette, Pat Rattigan, Zoltan Rona, Chaim Rosenthal, Robert Rowen, Maximo Sandin, Len Saputo, Michael Sclachter, Viera Sheibner, Penelope Shar, Bruce Shelton, Debbi Silverman, Kenneth KP Stoller, Terri Su, Didier Tarte, Leigh Ann Tatnall, Adiel Tel-Oren, Sherri Tenpenny , Renee Tocco, Demeter Vagias, Franco Verzella, Julian Whitaker, Ronald Whitmont, Betty Wood, Eduardo Angel Yahbes.
This is a selection of doctors and not a random grouping and quantitative
The petitioners are not a random sum of medical dissidents and indistinct, but represent a selection of pediatricians, family doctors, brain surgeons, teachers pathology, chemistry, biology and immunology. All characterized by complete independence from multinational drug companies from strict adherence to science and real transparency.
List of diseases that have documented Source vaccinatoria Why doctors do not find the true causes of many diseases? Why are conditioned and forced to ignore the links between diseases and vaccines. The list of these diseases is long, but we mention only the most well known: allergies and eczema, arthritis, asthma, autism, acid reflux, which forces children to proton pump inhibitors like (with many side effects), cancer, diabetes, childhood and youth, diseases kidney disease, miscarriages, long list of neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and many more.
list of side effects documented and reported in the medical literature
- arthritis, bleeding disorders, blood clots, heart attacks, sepsis - ear infections - Fainting (often resulting in broken bones) - stroke, epilepsy - Severe allergic reactions, urticaria and anaphylaxis - sudden deaths - Several diagnoses for hospital admission - The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has awarded more than 1.2 billion compensation for damage caused by vaccines to infants, children and adults.
Autism is particularly associated with vaccines
Autism disease was almost unknown before the mass vaccination were launched in 1991 with the introduction of the vaccine against hepatitis B and of the vaccine against meningitis. Tens of thousands of parents can testify did appear that autism in their children shortly after that the same would be vaccinated. Please study the documentation on the website
When you get sick, the medical system, insurance companies and multinationals, are enriched
- Vaccines do not provide effective long immunity, so they require a number of appeals . - Each new call increases the risk of side effects. - The side effects of vaccines can cripple a person for the rest of life. This is convenient in Big Pharma, which has in its arsenal many drugs designed to fight diseases caused by its own vaccines. - Negli USA né le multinazionali del farmaco né i medici possono essere denunciati per disgrazie derivanti dai vaccini. Entrambe le categorie sono protette dal National Child Vaccine Injury Act del 1986. Questa legge, infame e scandalosa, decreta che “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death”.
Come mai moltissimi medici evitano di vaccinare i propri figli?
- Sanno che i vaccini non offrono alcuna prova di essere sicuri e di essere efficaci. - Sanno che i vaccini contengono sostanze micidiali. - Sanno che i vaccini causano gravi problemi di salute. - Sanno di aver già trattato bambini and adults suffering from side effects caused by vaccines.
Multinationals intrusive prenditutto
The multinational drug companies have infiltrated and took control of the entire health system, including schools and universities, including newspapers and magazines, including clinics and hospitals, including pharmacies. The doctors, in order to survive, they must take a blind leap of faith, without questioning any aspect of the vaccination, the how and why. Even in the face of clear evidence of harm from the vaccine, the doctor tends to find more excuses and other assumptions. Blaming the vaccine is equivalent to career suicide. Physicians signatories of this document are likely to be struck by the Order Doctor, and they do this commendable gesture in the name of safety and health of children and parents in the world.
Who are the real beneficiaries of vaccines?
- The hospitals benefit financially from the hospitalization and clinical trials. - Drug companies make tens of billions of dollars from drugs that treat the side effects caused by vaccines, and drugs designed to treat chronic, incurable disease caused by vaccines. - Vaccines are the backbone of the healthcare system worldwide. Without vaccines there would be catastrophic and a vertical drop of Health not only for the loss of business-vaccines, but also because the company would gain too much in terms of human health.
health is not at all comfortable
Health is a bad deal for contemporary medicine. Thanks to medicine chickenpox became autism, the influence has become asthma, ear infections have become diabetic. The list of these changes is very long. Thanks to the zeal put in the elimination of some innocent and benign microbes, we ended up with an intolerable number of diseases, disorders, dysfunctions, impairments and disabling chronic and incurable. Someone crying. It is the parents of children suffering. But some toast while the sharp rise in stock of certain titles pharmaceuticals.
many vaccines are in circulation?
If American children receive all doses of all vaccines recommended and imposed, would receive at least 35 vaccinations containing 113 different types of agents of disease, 59 different chemicals, 4 types of animal cells / DNA, DNA from human tissues aborted human albumin. If you think you've passed the critical time because your kids are older, forget it. There are at least 20 other new vaccines ready to be launched in the near future, all designed to gli adolescenti e per gli adulti.
Diamo un’occhiata agli ingredienti
- Virus e batteri da culture cellulari animali. - Mercurio, un minerale notoriamente neuro-tossico, è presente nella maggior parte dei vaccini in circolazione. - Alluminio, un veleno capace di causare degenerazione nelle ossa e nel midollo spinale. - Cellule animali da scimmiette, reni di cane, di gallina, di mucca e di esseri umani. - Formaldeide, un noto cancerogeno. - Polisorbato 80, noto causatore di sterilità nei topi-femmina e di atrofia testicolare nei topi-maschio. - Gelatina, da maiali e mucche, conosciuta per le reazioni anafilattiche che provoca. - Glutammato monosodico (MSG), causa di disturbi metabolici, tipo diabete, apoplessia ed altri disordini di tipo neurologico.
I conflitti di interesse
La gente che fa le regole e le leggi sulle vaccinazioni è implicata spesso nella vendita dei vaccini. Ad esempio, la dr Julie Gerberding, che è stata alla direzione del CDC per 8 anni, è oggi presidente della Merck Vaccini. Il dr Paul Offit, membro dell’Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has developed and registered the patent office even his own vaccine.
sell more vaccines is more incentive you arrive
According to the CDC every American pediatric group (10 pediatricians per group) has an inventory of more than $ 100,000 in vaccines for sale. These doctors gain from the visits and sold by vaccines, as well as subsequent visits for adverse reactions to vaccines. Pediatricians Americans three times per year receive the rewards and incentives HMI in response to their work pro-vaccines, and are in the Instead rebuked by insurance companies whenever the rate falls vaccinatorio or languish instead grow.
comparisons between vaccinated and unvaccinated children
The data provide evidence of the futility of vaccines, click to view larger image
The Cal-Oregon project sponsored by Generation Rescue, conducted interviews among parents of vaccinated and unvaccinated children for a total of 17,674 children and found that children vaccinated are much worse than non-vaccinated
- The children of both sexes scored a vaccinated more than 120% of asthma. - Children vaccinated males have a more marked 317% of ADHD. - Children vaccinated males have a more marked 185% of neurological disorders. - Children vaccinated males have a more marked 146% of autism.
exemptions to vaccines in the United States
- You have the right to refuse vaccinations. Esercitatelo! - Your children should not be vaccinated in order to access public schools. - Every state provides for exemptions that give the right to refuse unwanted vaccines. - Cercatevi a doctor who will agree with your choice not to vaccinate your child, visit the website / providers.pdf Many choose the health and safety, saying no vaccines
groups that generally do not vaccinate include holistic therapists, chiropractors, teachers, and belonging to different religious groups. There are thousands of written testimonies of parents who have the good health of their children without vaccinations. Decisions on whether or not to vaccinate are between you and your partner. No other the world has the right to interfere. It is not an affair of the other members in family, neighbors, relatives or others.
to enjoy vibrant health you may want to learn some concepts
- The safe choice is to say no to vaccines. You are able to control the healthy choices you make for yourself and for your children. But you have no control over the results of vaccination. - No need to go to a pediatrician specializing in children and measure your syringe with a vaccine. Go to a natural therapy that is more open and less included in the business of vaccination. - Children are born with powerful natural defenses. If they had, would die immediately after birth. Huge immune processes take place already at their first cry. This is natural and does not need interference in children. - Most diseases are dodging children. A healthy child is not vaccinated, and has the force of impact against any disease and jump out without a syringe into the places of poisons. - Learn to appreciate the importance of fever. Most of the wall fevers resolve themselves within a few hours, without medication. - Realize that your child, even though the vaccine, may also contrarre le malattie che la vaccinazione intendeva prevenire. - Impara che le chiavi della salute sono la buona nutrizione, acqua pura, sonno adeguato, esercizio fisico e buonumore. - Studiati come funzionano i vaccini. Il tuo medico sa molto meno di te su questo argomento. Sa solo quello che la pubblicità di Big Pharma gli rifila in continuazione.
Salvate i vostri bambini dalle vergognose speculazioni
“La carenza di alimenti si fece sentire già in primavera. Il prezzo del grano aumentò in tutti i paesi: in Francia, il prezzo per un ettolitro passò da 17,15 a 39,75 franchi, fino a 43 franchi a fine anno… La crisi di sussistenza generò presto disordini popolari…”.
In questo modo veniva descritta la situazione agricola europea tra il 1847 e il 1848 dallo storiografo Charles Pouthas. Qualche settimana dopo, la situazione in Europa diventava così incandescente da affondare l’ordine assolutista sancito dal Congresso di Vienna. Dall’Italia soffiava il vento della rivolta che arrivò in Francia, poi in Vienna and throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and soon made itself felt in Germany and Switzerland. Between February and March 1848, the French monarchy fell with the abdication of Louis Philippe, Metternich lost his power in Vienna and Frankfurt, Germany proclaimed the creation of the first parliament.
If current events have not unexpected twists, the "springtime of peoples" remembers "the winter Arabic" we are experiencing today, with the same spread of the revolutionary spirit from Tunisia to Egypt, to Yemen or the Jordan. Surely in 1848 there was no Internet or Facebook, but that does not dampened the rapid circulation of information: The news of the fall of Louis Philippe caused the capitulation of Metternich, as well as that of Ben Ali shakes Mubarak, in both cases, however, the agricultural crisis and the impression prices are rising at the base of the riots.
Continental Europe in 1849 was not self-sufficient in the production of agricultural goods. To power the city had to import wheat from America and Russia, and the only weapon in the hands of governments was that of customs duties, which will further increase prices for consumers. The reasons for the spark that ignited Europe at the end of 1847 are undoubtedly linked its agriculture. The situation
the Arab world in 2011 is comparable to that of Europe in 1847. The area stretching from Morocco to the Persian-Arabian Gulf is one of the main regions of world imports of cereals (10 million tonnes of Egypt, 5 million to Algeria and Iran, Morocco and Iraq 3, 7 million tonnes Barley Saudi Arabia, etc ...), sugar, oil, poultry and beef. Most of these states, with the exception of Morocco, have abandoned any kind of agricultural policy and their economy depends on imports to supply their cities. With a little 'oil can, of course, to buy grain, oil and sugar. But the increase world agricultural commodity prices in the second half of 2010 has led to unrest among consumers. There were no real "hunger riots", but simple demonstrations against high prices.
As in 1848 the political and social discontent did the rest. Of course, the situation varies depending on the possibility that the country has to pay whether or not the imports with the proceeds from oil, the two weaker states, Tunisia and Egypt, do not have oil, while in Algeria, Tripoli, Riyadh and in the Gulf, governments are doing everything to make their daily bread to the urban masses. It 's a short-sighted tactic, but it has always been used by monarchs as they get older.
Nel 1848, lo Zar salvava l’impero austriaco, la Prussia aveva prevalso sulla Germania, e Luigi Napoleone stava già cominciando a indebolire la Repubblica. Auguriamo a questo inverno arabo un finale migliore, ma non scordiamoci dell’importanza della crisi agricola, che scuote il mondo dopo 160 anni.
Philippe Chalmin, professore dell’Università Paris-Dauphine, è uno dei massimi esperti mondiali di materie prime alimentari. Coordina la pubblicazione annuale del rapporto Cyclope (Cicli e orientamenti di prodotti e scambi) sui mercati mondiali. E’ fondatore e coordinatore dal 2000 del Club Ulysse, uno dei principali forum di economisti francesi.
translation from English ( 1848, 2011: Las Revueltas's hambre ) for by ROBERTO CERQUETANI
LONDON - In Libya, tension remains high. ANSA envoy speaks of gunshots heard in Algeria Square in downtown Tripoli, leaving the Friday prayer from the mosque. Religious building was noticed thick black smoke rising in the sky. In the square there are the supporters of Gaddafi who are demonstrating in favor of the government. It is unclear if there are casualties. In the same place a week ago, there were clashes between rebel factions and groups of supporters of the regime which had been concluded with a budget of three deaths. But today there are only supporters of Gaddafi who raise flags and portraits and shouting "Allah, Muammar, Libya and all." The faithful who come out of the mosque, join the event. The square is guarded by police and special forces agents of security. Several hundred protesters of the Libyan leader are meeting in the district of Tajoura and chanted slogans like: "Gaddafi is the enemy of God." Again the protest started after Friday prayers.
THE SHOTS - Shots were then heard in the district of Tajura, in the east of Tripoli, scene of a gathering of hundreds of opponents of the scheme that the security forces are dispersed by tear gas. He told a reporter from Reuters. "They fired tear gas. I heard shots. The crowd runs from all parties, "said the reporter.
"VICTORY OR DEATH" - But frictions remain high not only in the capital. The head of the Libyan National Council, Abdel Jalil, has urged the rebels to al-Beit, saying that the battle to unseat the regime of Muammar Gaddafi does not stop. "Victory or death, we will not stop until we liberate this nation," said former Minister of Justice now to guide body established by opponents who control eastern Libya. His men, however, Jalil sought to end the destruction of the buildings and put them on guard against the risk of "infiltration" of the people of Gaddafi. The crowd greeted his words extolling the "next battaglia a Tripoli».
NEL RESTO DEL PAESE - Secondo l'emittente araba Al Jazeera , le truppe leali a Muammar Gheddafi hanno ucciso due rivoltosi e ne hanno ferito venti ad Al Zawiyah, a ovest di Tripoli. Secondo un testimone i militari governativi hanno sparato anche sulle ambulanze per impedire l'evacuazione dei feriti e hanno minacciato la popolazione di compiere rappresaglie casa per casa. Anche nel centro petrolifero di Ras Lanuf, nella zona orientale della Libia, sono scoppiati combattimenti tra rivoltosi e le forze fedeli al regime. Da Bengasi, un portavoce dell'opposizione aveva riferito dell'invio di rinforzi all'esercito presente a Ras Lanuf, situata a un centinaio di chilometri west of Brega. And Brega there have been new to the bombings that are added to those then began Wednesday and continued throughout the day Thursday . The city is considered one of the strongholds of the rebels and in an interview with Sky News, Saif al Islam, the second son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that "the bombs are only used to force the rebels to retreat," stressing that the scheme will everything possible to regain control of the port. "It is the hub for Libyan oil and gas - he said - we all eat and live with Brega. Without Brega, six million people have no future, because we export all our oil from there. "
The father and age concerns raised "There were delays anagrafe"
Letojanni (Messina) - "It's not true ... talk to the lawyer. " Says little M'Hammed El Mahroug, but denies that her daughter has a different age from that which has always said. "It is true that has been recorded to the registry two years after the birth - her lawyer confirmed Venera Scrima - I say this without hesitation because I have spoken with his father recently. Karima has come of age four months ago. "
The lawyer was almost waiting for the "alleged news." "The voice turned to day - he said - someone asked me and I had also informed his father, who categorically denies. Perhaps the lawyer Ghedini fa riferimento ad usanze che in Marocco esistevano 50 anni fa, ma non in questo caso». E poi, si interroga il legale, perché i genitori avrebbero dovuto ingannare carabinieri e giudici ancora prima che Karima diventasse la Ruby dello scandalo col premier? «Per quattro anni - dice - i genitori si sono rivolti alle nostre istituzioni. In tribunale hanno accettato anche la richiesta della figlia di non tornare a casa purché restasse in una struttura protetta. Era affidata ai servizi sociali. Piuttosto bisogna interrogarsi sul perché nessuno l'abbia protetta». È quel che si chiede anche il padre che ha scritto una sorta di appello denuncia: «Voglio che si faccia luce sull'operato di quanti, comprese le forze dell'ordine, avendo Karima in charge of the destiny of leaving have not been able to protect that, while research and therefore well known to police themselves, were quietly forced into prostitution. " The legal father of Karima tells of being "a man in mourning," and this has set the drapes on the windows blacks. "I do not have the strength to return to Morocco - he confessed - why I do not know how to face my elderly mother." It defends himself: "It is true that abused my daughter, I never launched the boiling water. The scar on the head when he goes back to a year. I'm not as described to me and still come back if the welcome with open arms. " Meanwhile, Ruby, Vienna, joked: "Berlusconi is not saw my birth certificate, should ask my mother. "
Mission Italy, today launched four flights a day to aid for refugees
MILAN - "One thing is certain, we are the first to bring food aid to Libya." The stresses Elisabetta Belloni, Director General of Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and head of the Italian mission in Libya and Tunisia, which starts today in an interview with Il Sole 24 Ore . Aid 'are those who gave us the Coop. Together with electricity generators, water purifiers to water and health kits general pathology will be taken over by the Navy patrol Lybra which will start from the port of Catania today at a time of Benghazi.
FLIGHTS - The mission "is not without risks," and for this reason "we have entrusted to the Navy board that some elements of the San Marco Regiment." The goal is "to deal with the pressure on the UNHCR camp set up near Ras Ajdir," which hosted Thursday "10 000 8 000 people in Egypt," with 11 000 other refugees off the field yet to be identified ". The team left Thursday (which will add "a representative of the Austrian Red Cross and an official who asked not to be part of it) is considering" the needs of the Tunisian authorities. " From "Saturday morning," then, Italy will provide the airport of Djerba 'Four times a day with our Air Force 130 to various destinations in Egypt. " And once, "concluded the survey, the cooperation is willing to consider sending civilian charter to link Tunisia to Egypt."
Minister Frattini (Frame)
FRATTINI - "I think tonight might have from Catania on Thursday, the Italian ship that is loading food, plant electrification and drinking water. " He told Radio24 Foreign Minister Franco Frattini regarding the double humanitarian mission in Libya and Tunisia. It will take 30 hours of navigation to reach the port of Benghazi. The Tunisian side, "the team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Civil Defence are already in place and are having to mount the tents," said the minister. The goal is to "assist the evacuation of tens of thousands of Egyptian citizens." On the border between Libya and Tunisia "We saw about 90 thousand people and we know that in all Libya there are at least a half million non-Libyans, who lose their jobs do not know where to go," Frattini said, concluding: "We can not imagine where they might come from other flows, "by which" we be ready "to the so-called Plan B has mentioned the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni. The military option is not in Libya 'lightly regarded. " "Only he who does not know anything to the Arab world - says Franco Frattini - can speak lightly of action in the heart of the Arab world by Western military." Frattini said that the possibility of a military option in Libya needs "clear mandate of the UN Security Council and NATO," but, more importantly, the minister pointed out, should be duly taken into account "the words of the very clear Arab League ", who said:" Westerners do not come with military forces or armed forces. "
fence under construction in the electronic concentration camp, which aims to make every person is completely under control, there are still many gaps that allow you to escape all-seeing eye of Big Brother. One of the most obvious is to get out of the company and the best empowerment.
In recent years, the United States for example, the movement has spread so-called isolationists. People in small communities and families are leaving the company to live in remote forests and mountain areas living by farming, fishing and hunting. But it seems that in this there is an attempt to end it.
The U.S. Senate has introduced a bill, the S510, which in fact would make it illegal cultivation, use, distribution, purchase or sale of food grown at home. All this, of course, is done under the pretext of protecting the health citizens by ensuring that crops grown in private often do not meet sanitary standards, and therefore threaten the health consumers.
Experts the bill for the revision of food safety (S510), the law could be more dangerous in U.S. history. Dr. Shiv Chopra, a recognized authority on food safety said: " If adopted, the S510 would violate the right of citizens to the cultivation, possession, trafficking in food and especially to eat healthy foods. It will be the most horrible act against the growing of food and agricultural products. The bill is unconstitutional and contrary to natural law, or, if you will, the will of God ". It is worth mentioning that in 1990 Bill Clinton introduced the provisions of the Hazard Analysis Control Point (HACCP), ostensibly to fight infections in the meat industry. This position is openly lobby for the interests of producers of beef and the World Trade Organization as a "control" themselves, excluding and eliminating competitors from the market, that is thousands of small producers of meat. In 2008 Hillary Clinton during her election campaign has insisted on the creation of a powerful centralized agency for food safety. Although it did not become president, his idea was developed in the S510. So, this bill violates the fundamental principles of moral survival, social, economic, political, constitutional and human, according to the American human rights activists. They draw attention to the following issues: the bill, if approved, provides for a total capacity of the Ministry of the safety of all foods and all U.S. companies, which among other things, creates a favorable base for corruption and the lobby. In fact, the law will end the sovereignty of the United States submits to the WTO, threatening national security. This in turn eliminates the Act 1994, signed in Uruguay, which places the sovereignty and the law under U.S. protection. The S510 proclaims the priority of international standards on nations, stating that nothing in this Act (or the amendments made to it) can be interpreted in a manner inconsistent with the agreement established with the WTO. Moreover, the law will allow the government, in accordance with the law of war, to consider the sale of any food (even grown in the U.S.) and even sharing them as "contraband" in the United States, stating with this right that the U.S. is not a territorial entity. The bill allows the UN, WHO, the Organisation of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the WTO to take control of all food on Earth and interfere with access to traditional natural foods. His bizarre story and expected impact with limited tolerance to the natural diet (with the approval of genetically modified foods, genetically modified animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food and so on) is a huge threat to human health and prevents the normal supply. It would seem that this is a purely American event, which has nothing to do with us. However, the logic of events, their global reach, as well as the sad experience of the last two decades, as well as the insistence of the leadership in the WTO, suggests that such a law would soon be introduced for discussion in the Duma. So, quietly, without fanfare. After the introduction of electronic identity.
LONDON - A warplane bombed Thursday the oil terminal of Brega, the eastern Libyan city where the insurgents yesterday rejected an attack by air and ground troops loyal to Gaddafi. The witnesses said. The news spread quickly. The rebels are doing Libyan route en masse to Brega to strengthen their positions ahead of a possible attack of the rais. 'Gaddafi's forces are preparing a new attack, "said Mahmoud al-Fakhri, an insurgent che ha lasciato Ajdabiya per recarsi a Brega. Secondo quanto riferito dalla stessa fonte, i dintorni della città sono stati fatti oggetto di nuovi raid aerei mercoledì sera. Negli scontri che hanno avuto luogo nelle ultime 24 ore, almeno dieci persone sono morte. Mercoledì sera, però, l'opposizione aveva fatto sapere di avere respinto l'offensiva dei militari fedeli a Gheddafi e di avere il pieno controllo della città. Tutto questo mentre le tre navi da guerra Usa che hanno attraversato mercoledì il Canale di Suez, sono ora a 50 miglia al largo della costa libica e circa 400 marines sono arrivati nella base americana di Souda Bay a Creta, pronti a imbarcarsi a bordo delle unità da guerra Kearsage e Ponce che dovrebbero attraccare sull'isola greca nelle prossime ore. Il sottosegretario al dipartimento di Stato Philip Gordon, che si è incontrato ad Atene con il ministro degli Esteri Dimitri Droutsas, ha escluso che sia in fase di preparazione un'operazione militare contro la Libia. Gordon ha detto che «stiamo semplicemente preparandoci a far fronte a tutte le eventualità».
Nuovo attacco a Brega
APERTURA INCHIESTA - Il procuratore della Corte penale internazionale, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, ha annunciato l'apertura di un'inchiesta for crimes against humanity in Libya. Meanwhile, became operational on the freezing of assets of the six major components of the Gaddafi family, and 20 close associates of the Libyan regime. The EU regulation ordering the freezing of all funds and economic resources of these 26 people was published today in the EU Official Journal and entered into force immediately.
diplomatic intervention - In the meantime, do not stop the attempts of a restructuring of the diplomatic situation. Gaddafi, according to Arabic television Al Jazeera , it seemed favorable to the peace plan proposed Wednesday by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. During a telephone conversation between the two leaders, Chavez has proposed creating an international mission made up of friendly countries to mediate between the rebels and Libyan leaders. Proposal that the deployment does not like anti-regime: "We strongly reject the peace proposal put forward by Chavez," said the former Libyan Justice Minister and current opposition leader, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, in an interview with Al Jazeera. "We will not accept the proposed mediation of the Venezuelan people - he said - because we want the fall of Muammar Gaddafi and his regime." The former minister then asked "the international community to recognize the National Council established in recent days in Benghazi come rappresentante della volontà del popolo libico. Siamo già in contatto con la Lega Araba e con le diplomazie di diversi Paesi per ottenere questo riconoscimento».