LONDON - It is the day of the autopsy on the body of Yara. Institute of Forensic Medicine in Milan exams will be very useful to confirm the hypothesis advanced by investigators after the discovery of the body of thirteen year old passed away on Nov. 26 and found dead three days ago. Now we know that Yara was stabbed at least six times, and defended itself, struggled with the murderess, before being abandoned in a fallow field at the edge of the town of Chignolo D'Isola (Bergamo), a few miles as the crow flies from Brembate Above, his birthplace. that's where I now concentrate the investigation. Police are sifting through the various access routes to the field.
ASCEND TO RESEARCH - There are at least five ways to get to the place where the body was found. In the area near the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe Island of Chignolo research has been done, but according to rumors, they were not thorough enough. The detail emerged from the findings of the course. Investigators now want to know who conducted the research in fallow where the remains were found, on what date and by what method. "This is not to lay the cross on any, mind you," says an investigator. This is particularly important to understand if Yara may have been abandoned there by time or more recently.
'killed more people "
map the zone - Meanwhile, police are drawing a map of all roads passable by car leading the field in which it was found Yara's body. And they did plainclothes policemen, equipped with cameras, driving down all the side streets between the territory of Chignolo and Madone d'Isola, not more than ten kilometers from Brembate di Sopra. The aim is to reconstruct a complete picture of all the access points to the place of discovery, and then see what cameras, public or private, may have taken trips suspects. Investigators are convinced that the murderess, or the murderers of Yara, they arrived by car with a van, and then download the mangled body of the poor girl, or perhaps to kill her there on the spot.
ROADS TO GET TO THE FIELD - There is a paved road to the industrial zone of Chignolo Island, via Bedell. A little further away Bedell, towards the west, there are at least two dirt roads, in the midst of farmland and a pair of adjacent businesses, which allow then to reach the camp where the girl was found. But the same street Bedell is divided into two parts: the portion that runs through the industrial area, where they are concentrated investigators and journalists in recent days, and the other part is that Bedell Street on the opposite side of the field where it was Yara found the body and reaches the town of Isola d'Chignolo. Even from there, via a dirt road, you can arrive by car to the place of discovery. Even these details and multiple points of access to that field, the last stage drama, not make life easier for investigators.
The discovery of the body of Yara |
"NOW YOU DO NOT SPEAK OF FORGIVENESS '- Monday morning, with a bouquet of flowers on the empty bench and many messages of affection, the companions Yara have recalled the thirteen. To welcome students and parents entering the school of the Ursulines, in the autumn drizzle, was the principal, Sister Carla Sinks: "We are running a bereavement - he said - to learn to face death, and our to Yara. We have to convince us that part of our life. " And on the aggressor or aggressors of Yara, the nun said: "He who has committed such an act should find his own humanity, which now means legally established and recognized his error. Talking about forgiveness now mean to trivialize it. " "Forgiveness - said the president - you have to build it inside."
'NOTHING FIERCE media "- Meanwhile, the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, asking the media to avoid the fury on the tragic story of Yara. The invitation of the DG was addressed to the directors of the network, called for greater attention to compliance with the Code of television and children, and in particular in the programs aired in the protected zone, or the 'container afternoon. It is these TV shows where they were most frequently in the recent past there have been persistently bets and "hosted" on a single theme, related to major news events that concern, however minor.
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