the English example - The problem is not just Italian. To try to limit consumption, the English Government has decided that from March 7 speed on motorways will be limited to 110 mph, according to the extent that the authorities in Madrid will decline by 15% the consumption of petrol and 11 % higher than that of diesel. The government has also decided to reduce rail fares by 7% regional transportation, to encourage use. The Vice Premier and Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, said that there is no risk with regard to supplies of fuel, but the rise in oil prices caused by the unrest in the business is pushing up public spending. Every $ 10 increase per barrel it cost 6 billion euro a year more to state coffers: Spain imports about 80% of energy consumed, which makes it particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in the energy market.
DYNAMIC PRICING - Returning to the prices in Italy, the increases have led to the peaks exceed the peak three years ago, with the green in Campania comes to cost 1.596 € / liter (while the minimum is recorded in the Veneto to 1.529 € / liter). The maximum value for diesel at the pump is touched in Sicily to 1.469 € / liter. LPG, finally, is positioned between 0.789 € / liter recorded in stores Eni and 0.799 € / liter plant Q8 (0.771 € / l the no-logo). The origin of this dynamic, the uncertainty on the supply of refineries that set off a flurry of increases in the prices of refined products in the Mediterranean: the gasoline has reached $ 975.50 a tonne (+11.50), the diesel 963.25 (just under 20 dollars more).
'contracts with respect " - A rassicurare i mercati petroliferi arrivano dalla Libia alcune dichiarazioni degli insorti contro Gheddafi. Un membro della coalizione che controlla Bengasi ha annunciato che i contratti petroliferi che sono legali e nell'interesse dei cittadini libici saranno mantenuti.
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