A tuft of grass close in one hand as desperate attempt to defend themselves and cling to life. Breaks my heart that the last act of Yara Gambirasio was just that and are exactly the blades of grass that investigators found in the small handful of the girl discovered dead after three months of mystery in the clearing of Chignolo d'Isola . Twenty-four hours after the breakthrough in the mystery of the gymnast Brembate Above, you can design the ultimate remnant of the life of the girl on the basis of objective evidence gleaned in just three months of investigations.
Being able to have assumed a plot summary : Yara is dead for resisting aggression, probably of a sexual nature, stabbed to death within hours if not few minutes after his exit from the gym Brembate almost certainly close to the field because of where Bedell was found Saturday. Let's put it together, then, the fragile elements of the investigations on the notebook. Yara out of the gym via Locatelli Brembate just after 18:30 Friday, November 26: has the time to exchange a text message to her friend Martina, which makes an appointment for a gymnastics competition on Sunday.
The discovery of the body of Yara |
Then the script of the short life of Yara derails: the his mobile antenna attaches Mapello, the country next to but outside Brembate road from the usual route back home Gambirasio. It will direct you to Mapello pager dogs responsible for finding Yara. Brembate, Mapello, Chignolo are almost in a line on a map, enclosed in 9 km of road. At 19 that night Gambirasio Maura calls her daughter on the phone ma l'apparecchio è muto; infatti accanto al cadavere della ragazzina c'erano la batteria e la sim card del telefonino, non il resto dell'apparecchio. Ed eccoci a un primo punto fermo del giallo: l'aggressione avviene poco lontano dalla palestra, l'assassino si dirige verso Mapello ma si preoccupa subito di non rendere rintracciabile il percorso della vittima, dividendo in pezzi il cellulare. Un particolare da brivido, perché significa che l'agguato era stato studiato. Il passo successivo ci porta già a Chignolo: sabato lo scheletro della tredicenne appariva integro ma i tessuti quasi completamente sfaldati; i vestiti però erano tutti al loro posto, persino l'elastico rosso tra i capelli.
Killed at least six stab wounds
For investigating these remains were not transportable , unless you reduce them to pieces. Is therefore the hypothesis that the corpse was brought to Chignolo in recent times: there is most likely already arrived on the evening of November 26. So Yara has resisted in the first instance to violence (he says the wound on his wrist) but this has triggered the fury of the murderer which prevailed with blows to the chest, back and throat. Yara remained only forces to wrest a few blades of grass, those who have found in the hand. Since dell'abbordaggio out of the gym can be spent Brembate less than an hour.
We must then consider the choice to arrive in the clearing away of Bedell : how many knew that those thick bushes and tall to five feet would be an ideal shelter for that aggression to hide a corpse ? Only someone who knows the area well as he knew the habits of Yara here because it strengthens the hypothesis of the "monster" that amounts to Brembate or immediate neighbors.
'killed more people "
All this reconstruction has only one weak point : the evidence, also emerged yesterday, under which the field via Bedell had been scoured by volunteers looking for Yara. "We were certainly on December 12, the stop 50 people participated," confirms Ennio Bonetti Filago responsible for volunteers, maybe ten days ago and there has been a return team Madone. It seems incredible that no one has the agreement of the presence of the corpse, but the forensic evidence leaving no room for doubts. Then two crucial questions remain, which will give a response (perhaps) only an autopsy: the girl also suffered sexual abuse? On the body there are traces of DNA Assassin? Gambirasio tragedy in the family, it will also give an answer to these horrible questions.
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