FILM: visceral odyssey of disgrace and redemption, seen through the eyes of aesthetic Ridley Scott and "lived" by Russell Crowe perfect. It takes place in Imperial Rome of Marcus Aurelius, but ignores the historical pertinence (folded needs dramatic spectacular). On the other hand, overwhelms the senses with the epic story of Massimo Decimo Meridio, general betrayed by the son of the emperor, Commodus, and obliged to be "reborn" as Gladiator: to take revenge and rejoin the family spiritually, made by slaying Commodus after killing him that his father Marcus Aurelius. The package is Hollywood e piuttosto "digitale", le approssimazioni macroscopiche: tuttavia, la tragedia di Massimo tocca nel profondo e supera ogni patinata mistificazione. Inoltre, sfrutta archetipi efficaci (onore, giustizia, integrità, rivalsa) ed immedesima lo spettatore nella più seminale delle parabole, cioè quella dell'eroe che lotta per ritornare a casa. La regia è muscolare e col giusto apporto testosteronico, mentre l'epica deborda fino al ruolo chiave dell'ultraterreno. L'ultraterreno, infatti, è per Massimo la nuova casa da raggiungere ed emanazione d'un senso morale divino. La fotografia è meravigliosamente fasulla e idealizza battaglie, paesaggi, o gli stessi attori. In più, immerge in un'atmosfera fra l'onirico e il "Futurist", with a few forays into visionary. Crowe unforgettable faces the world with the detachment of someone who knows the corruption (that of Commodus, who murdered and enslaved his father's sister). However, maintains a steely nobility and when he gets his revenge, with a path as "media" exalts the myth un'invincibilità from "immortal dead" redeeming himself, Marcus Aurelius and a fallen world. After the final duel, in a minor key and with different symbolism, it is hard not be moved, but is comforted by the final transfer nell'ultraterreno (tricksy, however, included a large fine). And a triumph of justice ever so liberating, to be ascribed to the "non-story" scottiana fatta di passione, scontri leggendari e retorica seducente. Le musiche di Hans Zimmer sottolineano l'ascesa di Massimo come se provenissero dall' "Elysium", esaltando ad ogni passaggio adrenalinico. I comprimari, infine, sono tutti eccezionali: dalla sorella di Commodo (una splendida Connie Nielsen), allo schiavista "mentore" (Oliver Reed, morto durante le riprese e "resuscitato" in digitale). Senza contare le figure cardine nella vicenda di Massimo, cioè l'imperatore Marco Aurelio (interpretato da Richard Harris) e lo stesso Commodo (Joaquin Phoenix, nel suo ruolo più significativo): rispettivamente, il padre spirituale da vendicare e una "nemesi" di consapevole inettitudine, la cui smania di grandezza ha segno opposto immortality of those who, like Max, you had to die in the depths.
Note: Blu-Ray has two versions of the film, that is the film from 154 minutes and extended by 169. The extended edition is obtained with the technique of seamless branching and is fully dubbed in Italian. The additional scenes are quite unnecessary and sometimes even harmful: some, in fact, contradict the nature of the characters, expand the other sub-plots. Ridley Scott himself has "disowned" the long version of the film, described as the definitive film editing.
Note: Blu-Ray has two versions of the film, that is the film from 154 minutes and extended by 169. The extended edition is obtained with the technique of seamless branching and is fully dubbed in Italian. The additional scenes are quite unnecessary and sometimes even harmful: some, in fact, contradict the nature of the characters, expand the other sub-plots. Ridley Scott himself has "disowned" the long version of the film, described as the definitive film editing.
QUALITY 'VIDEO (10 out of 10): Gladiator was already Blu-Ray release in 2009 but with a ruined transfer video from digital filters such as DNR (digital noise reduction) and edge enhancement (accentuation of the contours). The use of such filters had produced a picture "wax" without fine detail and characterized by thick white outlines or blacks. So an image well below the standard Blu-Ray and before that of the film. The edition reviewed here dates back to July 2010 and has a master on a new video from Universal scanning the negative to 4K resolution. The master was then compressed with MPEG 4 AVC algorithm with no obvious use of filters. The result leaves open mouth: the video of this new Blu-Ray, in fact, has since suffered a sharp and an incredible impact of the most cinematic. The images have a pleasant texture "analog" and astonishingly fine detail. The edges are crisp and sharp, have special microscopic textures, and perhaps never appreciated even the movies. Totals pierce the screen, ranging from the initial ones in Germany, to those of the African desert, not to mention the shots in various arenas. In these situations, the video shows in detail the textures of trees and foliage, or the stone buildings. And again, emphasizes the details of the wooden structures (eg the barricades early) or the curtains in the camps. As expected, the close-ups with texutre surprise facial x-ray. Again case, the effect of "razor" is considerable, so that you can clearly distinguish every hair of the actors, however, the picture also maintains a compact model, together with the natural characteristic of film on film. E 'in the camps, however, mean that the transfer can establish itself as one of the best: the whole figures, in fact, appear sharper than ever and are surrounded by highly detailed backgrounds, almost always in focus and with an "overload" of exciting details. To see this, just watch the scenes "preparation" in Germany, then the journey of the "African" by Massimo. Not to mention the views outside his home, some location "Roman" and, of course, the battles in the arena, led by those the Colosseum. During these steps, the architecture "overflow" from the screen, and so do the landscapes (the amazing forest in Germany and most of the urban views). The details of the clothing seem to manifest a high definition, ranging from simple tunics (which you can see the textures) to armor. Passing through shields, badges, helmets, banners, with an honorable mention to the fur. Compared to the old edition, even chromatic balance has changed, apparently at the behest of Ridley Scott. For example, the blue cast that characterized the first act are now turns to cyan. In the rest of the film, however, the colors were more turns to red and sometimes the green, or purple. In Overall, however, the yield has remained hot, and dominated by yellow-orange hue, with only a few shades more intrusion of "metal", or green (as in the scene at the home of Max). The red is very bright, and this may consist in several bloody scenes. Moreover, it is never noisy or too full, as do the other colors. The contrast is high but still well balanced and emphasizes the three-dimensionality. Black, for his part, is very deep and does not hide the details, except in the few situations on the borderline. But there are some "fluctuations" where even the color looks "off" (for example, the night scene in Germany). And where are the details on basse luci sembra impastarsi. Tale fenomeno, comunque, si concentra in alcune scene nell'accampamento degli schiavi e non disturba più di tanto. Le condizioni della pellicola sono eccellenti: i graffi sono lievi e le spuntinature, sebbene presenti (a volte anche a "scariche"), sono quelle tipiche d'una scansione da negativo: cioè minuscole e tutte bianche. Inoltre, e sempre grazie alla scansione da negativo, la stabilità del quadro è granitica. Come anticipato, la messa a fuoco è costante: certo non mancano scene appannate o anche molto "sgranate", anche se la loro presenza non distrae mai dallo spettacolo. Sulla compressione, infine, c'è poco da dire. L'unica trama presente sullo schermo è infatti quella della film, always thin and "point." Sometimes thick, sometimes finer, as always happens with the shot in celluloid. There are no grids, abnormal noise or causes banding. The edge enhancement, as expected, is absent and the same goes for the DNR.
Graph Bitrate (click above to enlarge):
Employment video files (dir. cut): 39.1 GB - Average bitrate (video) 17.68 Mbit
Complete data Blu-Ray with excerpts BDInfo
screencapture Blu-Ray: full HD high quality PNG (eye the spoiler!)
Employment video files (dir. cut): 39.1 GB - Average bitrate (video) 17.68 Mbit
Complete data Blu-Ray with excerpts BDInfo
screencapture Blu-Ray: full HD high quality PNG (eye the spoiler!)

Other screencapture after comment on the audio.
QUALITY 'AUDIO (9 out of 10): The Italian DTS audio (768 kbps) is powerful and rewarding, much more than that, already excellent, in this last edition on DVD. The recording level is very high, and the dynamic revolves around the mid range, with "raids" exceptional is that the bass on high. The width of the front face is clear from the very title: the music, in fact, safely wrapped in velvet and are more "seats". The effects are no different and since the opening scene surprised by definition and "dry". Very impressive, for example, the galloping horses and the clang of the catapults, not to mention the whistling of arrows, and especially the impact of fiery rocks. In general, the panning are natural but very pronounced, while the lower frequencies (both main channels and on subwfoofer) Shake the environment while maintaining an accuracy above average. Even the rear channels are immediately exploited, for example, the echo of music or nature sounds like wind, rain, thunder. And yet, by the sounds of the forest, the crowds during the battles and even entries from the "single". Overall, the center channel is very well mixed the other but, as often happens in the Italian dubbing, the voices are low and gloomy effects. Moreover, they are more "detached" from the sound stage and show some saturation (but not alarming.) Such imperfections on items they do not cover new scenes of the film in the extended version. In fact, they have been dubbed a few years later and with a higher quality, even when the period of time for the voice actors (the same as the original film) has resulted in a change of tone. On the musical, the track surprised with the surrender of flutes, harps and drums and generally with the dynamics of the winds (especially the trumpets). This quality can be appreciated in all the more dramatic scenes, such as one in which Marcus Aurelius is killed, or where Max flees for home. And yet, in scenes "introductory" type or Zuchabar arrival in Rome. In terms of pure "special effects", the track astounding scenes of battle from start to mention that in Germany, then all those arenas. The first clash in the Coliseum boasts a wide plethora of effects such as explosions, collisions, metal, screams of the crowd, including post-conflict choirs dedicated to Massimo. In addition, it integrates the music (the voices a lot less, unfortunately) and spring some "low blow" to move from the chair. Do not forget the first battles a Zuchabar, con effetti delle armi che fanno il giro di tutti i diffusori. Infine, restano nella memoria lo scontro con il “campione” e le tigri (pieno di clangori ed effetti secchissimi), nonché la ribellione finale. L’ultima parte del film è più calma, però non meno efficace nel convogliare suoni d’ambienza sui canali posteriori: magari anche minuscoli ma molto precisi, attivi e realistici. Il forte impatto della traccia porta anche del fruscìo che però non è mai fastidioso e che è allo stesso tempo indice dell’ottima nitidezza del suono. Il subwoofer, come già accennato, sonorizza con una potenza straordinaria ma non è mai “invadente”. I suoi interventi si limitano effects that need it: for example, "Pops" initials and those arenas (with incredible peaks at the Coliseum). Or some effects sequences "visionary", or atmospheric noise (the short time). In addition, the subwoofer always strengthens the music: from the baseline to "travel" to the wonderful song pre-final, "Elysium," which precedes the death of Maximus and has made a gentle but very "strong."

Comparison Blu-ray edition, 2009 - 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray after the comment about extras.
QUANTITY '/ AS' EXTRA CONTENT (4 and 1 / 2 10): apart from the two versions of the film, there's not much else. The "big" of extras, in fact, resides in a second drive but has not been included in the Italian release of the "tenth anniversary", unlike what happened abroad. Though note that Blu-ray is shown as "Disk 1" as a sottindendere the presence of this second disc. Weirdness aside, here's the detail of the contents (those of "Disc 1" to ban):
film version of the film (154 min.)
Audio Commentary by Ridley Scott the film version of the film
Extended version of the film (169 min.)
Introduction and audio commentary by Ridley Scott to film
sleepers Extended Mode Vision Interactive U-control: "The scrolls of knowledge
viewing mode interactive U-Control: "Visions from the Champs Elysees"
Function Pocket Blue to use the iPhone as a remote control or the iPad.
The commentary tracks are full of information and subtitled in Italian. A lord it in both tracks, Ridley Scott, who spares no details on the genesis of the film, shooting, photography, costumes etc. digital effects. But there are good measures of both the Russell Crowe character (in the trace of the extended edition), is the editor Pirtro Scalia (track edition in the film). In particular, much information on the pantry Crowe's character Maximus: the motivation to the path "spritual" with great seriousness and without getting lost in nonsense. U-control mode on "The scrolls of knowledge" of curiosity to read the scene in progress. In some cases you can also see the "microfeaturette" between one and three minutes long. The curiosity is only in English, while the featurette, whose use is very uncomfortable, are subtitled in Italian. The other U-control mode, entitled "Visions from the Champs Elysees, is useless, since it requires the second disc.
comparison Blu-Ray edition 2009 - Blu-Ray 10th anniversay edition: full HD high quality PNG (watch out for spoilers!)
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