Monday, February 28, 2011

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U.S.: "Gaddafi may go into exile" Battle for the air base in Misurata

LONDON - Exile to Gaddafi, "is a possibility." The opening of the White House. The spokesman, Jay Carney, said that "all options remain on the table, including the exile." In this case you do not understand how this could connect with ll'inchiesta on the violence in Libya, which could be opened by the International Criminal Court (ICC) within a few days, as stated by the ICC prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo. In addition, the EU decided to impose sanctions against Gaddafi and EU energy commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, reported that Gadhafi no longer controls the country's main oil fields.
MISURATA  - Sul fronte militare, truppe fedeli a Gheddafi nella base aerea di Misurata sono state attaccate la scorsa notte dagli oppositori del Colonnello. Secondo i ribelli gran pare della base è ora passata sotto il loro controllo. Un velivolo (secondo alcune fonti un elicottero, secondo altre un aereo) ha sparato lunedì sulla sede di Radio Misurata. Lo riferisce Al Arabiya. Testimoni hanno detto che il velivolo sarebbe stato abbattuto e l'equipaggio catturato. Inoltre un reparto di cadetti dell'accademia militare di Misurata si sarebbe ribellato agli ordini dei superiori fedeli a Gheddafi e sarebbe ora in corso una battaglia all'interno della caserma che ospita la Scuola di guerra nel centro cittadino. Jet fedeli a Gheddafi avrebbe colpito ammunition depots and to Adjabiya Rajma, in eastern Libya. According to witnesses, the bombing of Adjabiya had produced only minor damage and no casualties.
TRIPOLI - Meanwhile, opponents, having formed a National Council in Benghazi, are starting to move westward to join the forces opposed to Gaddafi in Tripoli and close to launch the final assault on the capital. A Tajura, a suburb east of Tripoli on Monday afternoon about 400 people staged an anti-Gaddafi that the security forces tried to break up by firing shots into the air. The report sent to the issuer's BBC, adding that the demonstrators were shouting slogans like "the blood of martyrs was not shed in vain. " In the hospitals of al-Marj, in Cyrenaica, were hospitalized twelve wounded 'aggregate by armed gangs that traffic in cities, "according to state television reported.
PENALTIES EU - The EU has adopted with a unanimous decision of the Council a package of sanctions against the regime of Gaddafi beyond those already implemented by the UN. The selection includes arms embargo and travel ban in the EU. The 27 also said that the EU froze the assets of Qadhafi, his family and government, while it is prohibited from selling products such as tear gas and anti-riot equipment, diplomatic sources said. The ban should take effect in coming days. The EU is also planning to convene an emergency meeting "at weekends" on the crisis in Libya, as required by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. This was a diplomatic source told AFP.
"imperialism" - "If the Western imperialists attack us, there will be thousands of deaths," said Ibrahim Moussa, a spokesman for the Libyan government. "The West wants our oil, Al Qaeda wants a base on the Mediterranean to intimidate Europe," he added. "We have arrested hundreds of Islamic terrorists, also due to Al Qaeda. We are interrogating them and, if possible, we will meet them there in prison, "he said pointing to Western journalists. According to Debka, located close to the Israeli secret service, hundreds of military advisers to U.S., British and French were already in Cyrenaica to collaborate with the insurgents against the regime of Gaddafi.
AGREEMENT - An agreement between the tribe of Zawiya, west of Tripoli and the scene of a rising anti-regime, and forces loyal to Gaddafi was reached to prevent the riot from spreading to other western regions, and at the same time, loyalist security forces attack rebels holed up in the city center. This was reported by a 'reportage Exclusive "Al Arabiya. "The city is surrounded by phalanxes of Gaddafi," said the correspondent of the issuer naraba. "Thanks to an agreement between the tribes of Zawiya, loyalist security forces do not attack the city but the rebels do not attempt to sort it out from the city limits." According to Al Jazeera, Gadhafi has appointed the former head of Libyan intelligence services abroad, Bouzid Durda, a negotiation process with the rebels of Cyrenaica.
MERCENARIES - The human rights organizations are sounding the alarm about the fate of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans in Libya present, targeted by insurgents because they were suspected of being mercenaries for Gaddafi. According to the account of some witnesses picked up by Al Jazeera, scores of African workers may have been killed, while hundreds are hiding to avoid falling victims of the hunt 'for the mercenaries African blacks. "


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