LONDON - Tripoli is the final battle and Gaddafi has decided to personally go to the streets to harangue the crowd: "You are the people, be prepared to defend the country. The battle of Jihad has enabled us to defeat the Italian colonization and the people can defeat any armed attack. " You As Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has said speaking to the crowd in Green Square. "The stores are open arms to arm the people together and fight, defeat and kill protesters. Look at Europe, look at America, this is the Libyan people, this is the result of the revolution. " Finally, an invitation: "Dance and be happy."
"LOOKING FOR AGREEMENT" - But in the evening his son Seif al-Islam, speaking with Western reporters today announced that the army was ordered to stop and to start negotiations with the rebels. Rais said the second of two battles in the city: "A Misrata Zawiya and we have problems. Stiamo cercando di trovare un accordo con i terroristi. L'esercito ha deciso di non attaccarli per dare loro una possibilità per negoziare. Auspichiamo che si possa farlo pacificamente domani».
GLI SCONTRI A TRIPOLI - Dopo i sanguinosi combattimenti della notte a Misurata la giornata è stata segnata da scontri a fuoco in varie aree della capitale libica, con le forze di Gheddafi che hanno sparato sui manifestanti. Ci sono stati morti, decine secondo Al Jazeera, e feriti, anche se la tv di Stato lo nega. L'aeroporto internazionale di Mitiga, a Tripoli, non è caduto nelle mani degli insorti, come era invece stato detto da diverse fonti durante tutta la giornata. Secondo il presidente della Comunità del Arab world in Italy (Co-ever) Aodi Foad, including one of Gaddafi's sons would be passed from the insurgents.
MOSQUES IN THE PROTEST - A protest against Gaddafi was instead immediately repressed by the police at the end of Friday prayers at the mosque in Algeria Square, within walking distance Green 200 protesters from the square where they had started shouting slogans against Muslims and the Rais. One protester said that similar events were held in several mosques in the city.
JOURNALISTS CARRIED VIA - Security forces pro-regime then led away by force, the foreign journalists in central Tripoli, while hundreds of civilians poured back into Green Square for the big event. The announcement was made a site near the Arab opposition to the rebels.
WALK ON TRIPOLI - would have been 50 000 demonstrators from the suburb of Tajura have been directed towards the center of Tripoli. The witnesses quoted by Al-Arabiya. "We have a plan to topple Tripoli - told the Wall Street Journal Tareq Saad Hussein, one of seven colonels who have taken the lead in Benghazi the rebellion, capturing the second largest city in the country - we will not stop until we have liberated the whole country. "
MONITORING WELLS - The anti-Gaddafi demonstrators have also taken control of almost all the oil fields east of the terminal at Ras Lanuf. "Almost all the oil fields east of Ras Lanuf are now under the control of the people," said Najib Abdessalam, Agic Libyan oil engineer company and a member of the coalition of 17 February, according to a report in the Arabic press. Nijiab said that the facilities are working with a capacity of 25%.
MONITORING WELLS - The anti-Gaddafi demonstrators have also taken control of almost all the oil fields east of the terminal at Ras Lanuf. "Almost all the oil fields east of Ras Lanuf are now under the control of the people," said Najib Abdessalam, Agic Libyan oil engineer company and a member of the coalition of 17 February, according to a report in the Arabic press. Nijiab said that the facilities are working with a capacity of 25%.
"taken steps" - the aftermath of those furious Zawya Thursday, the Libyan anti-government militias have also taken control of the coastal city Misurata, situated a meno di 200 km dalla capitale, dopo aver respinto una «violenta» controffensiva. Le informazioni sulla situazione della terza città del Paese sono state a lungo confuse. Gli oppositori di Gheddafi avevano annunciato mercoledì di aver preso la città; i residenti hanno detto che mercenari e soldati lealisti hanno lanciato una controffensiva, giovedì, ma che è stata respinta. «I manifestanti hanno sconfitto le forze di sicurezza e preso il controllo della città», ha raccontato Mohamed Senoussi, 41 anni, uno dei capi della rivolta, «la situazione adesso è calma dopo 4 ore di intensa battaglia avvenuta nella mattina. Gli abitanti celebrano la vittoria e cantano «Dio è grande». «I civili stanno adesso organizing traffic, inspecting the people to search for weapons, were arrested undercover cops believed they came from Tripoli. " Some witnesses have confirmed that measured has been abandoned by the forces remained loyal to the Libyan leader and is controlled by the rebels, but heavy fighting would have registered near an air base near the city, making numerous deaths.
130 ITALIAN BOARD OF SAN MARCO - In the evening have been completed, the loading on board the ship St. George of the Navy, that the port of Misurata has ensured the evacuation of 245 people, including 130 Italians . The landing craft will now en route to Catania, dove dovrebbe arrivare nella mattinata di domenica. Il cacciatorpediniere "Mimbelli" rimane invece nell'area nell'eventualità di altri interventi per l'evacuazione di connazionali.
L'APPOGGIO DI MUGABE - Dallo Zimbabwe, intanto, arriva la notizia che il dittatorere Robert Mugabe avrebbe inviato dei combattenti per dare man forte al colonnello Gheddafi. Il presidente dello Zimbabwe avrebbe inoltre offerto asilo nel suo Paese al leader libico.
PARIGI, SI DIMETTE L'AMBASCIATORE - E a Parigi si è dimesso l'ambasciatore libico. La decisione, arrivata dopo l'assalto della sede diplomatica della capitale francese, è stata presa per condannare "Acts of repression in Libya." It said a statement issued in Paris stressed that the Libyan representative at UNESCO has distanced itself from the regime of Gaddafi, sided with the "revolution". The same position was taken from all over the Libyan diplomatic presence in India, as reported by Al Jazeera .
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