Context: Tunisia has experienced a gradual economic liberalization during the last decade. In Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum 2010-2011, Tunisia was listed as the African country more competitive, and globally is the thirty-second place among the most competitive countries. The huge Muslim population of North Africa is an opportunity for the business of Islamic banks and other companies.
Contrary to popular belief, the world's finances are controlled by "central banks" owned by private banks disguised as the federal government in almost every country in the world [The Court of Appeals United States ruled that the Federal Reserve (Central Bank of the United States) is a private, in 680 F.2d 1239, v. LEWIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, No. 80-5905].
Jacob Rothschild, senior member of the British side of the House of Rothschild
Although a closely guarded secret, the Rothschilds and their members have the majority of the shares of Central Banks (The Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking , Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 1976, Charts 1-5) (Mullins, Eustice Secrets of the Federal Reserve 1983). With minimal government input, the economies of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and Algeria are rigidly controlled by the central banks of the Rothschilds and their International Monetary Fund.
The motive: to follow the money
Islamic banks have eaten into the profits of the Rothschild Middle East because it is in the interests (Sharia law), because they grow rapidly among Muslim populations and shake (especially during this disaster economy) because they are more stable than Western banks.
While it is good that these people would be freed from the tyranny of dictators, on the other they need to break free from the tyranny of economic control and dall'asservimento. The question of morality is relevant in this case: Can the end justify the means?
El Materi, son of Ben Ali at the opening of its Zitouna Bank, the first Islamic bank in May last year
The son of the deposed Tunisian President Ben Ali, Sakher El Materi , 26 May 2010 opened the first Islamic bank, the Bank Zitouna. The first Islamic bank in the Maghreb. The bank was the first step of the program of extensive reforms of Ben Ali: "Tunisia, a center of banking and regional financial center," which would undermine the power and profits of the Central Bank of Tunisia (owned by Rothschild and Co. ). The Port Financial Tunis was inaugurated last October 19. It is the first offshore financial center of northern Africa.
The Telegraph announced last October 19 the opening of the financial mega-project of the port of Tunis, or the attempt of President Ben Ali of Tunisia to transform the regional financial center in North Africa and beyond: "The Islamic investment bank Gulf Finance House (GFH) and the Tunisian Government has created the first offshore financial center of northern Africa. The financial center will be part of the port of Tunis, an establishment located on the sea of \u200b\u200b3 billion dollars located in Tunis ... GFH, which is based in Bahrain, hopes that the center can be given to the Tunisia advantage afforded it by its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea and to serve as a bridge between the EU and the economies of North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, growing fast. "
" However, despite the difficult climate of the moment, the potential Islamic bank in Egypt is immense and we can expect further moves by the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank in Egypt, possibly in the form of acquisition, "according to Executive Magazine February 8, which continues:" A recent report Middle East Business Intelligence has got it right in saying that 'if the Islamic bank in Abu Dhabi will be successful offering Islamic products, the entire mercato verrà aperto. Abbiamo già visto alcune banche locali iniziare la promozione dei loro prodotti islamici in vista dell’imminente competizione per accaparrarsi i clienti”
“È chiaro che le banche islamiche nel golfo stanno già anticipando il giorno della saturazione dei loro mercati. E sembra che l’Egitto sarà in prima linea nello sviluppo della finanza e banca islamica”.
“I paesi africani come Algeria, Egitto, Libia, Marocco, Tunisia e Sudan sono già entusiasti dei futuri sukuk ( emissione di obbligazioni islamiche). Il Gambia ha esordito con un affare per 166 milioni di dollari di sukuk, venduti ai privati negli Stati Uniti nel 2006”. [International Finance Review (Reuters), 2008]
The article "Islamic banking Rises on oil wealth, drawing non-Muslims," \u200b\u200bpublished in The New York Times November 22, 2007 reported: 'The rising oil wealth is bringing the Islamic banking system, which adheres to the laws of the Koran and its prohibition against charging interest, to the mainstream financial ... In addition to Islamic loans, there are good Muslims, Islamic credit cards and loans ... good accordance with the Koran are already available in the United ... '
"This is a company that is changing from a niche company to fully global company," said Khawaja Mohammad Salman Younis, CEO in Malaysia for Kuwait Finance House, the second largest Islamic bank in the world. "Within three to five years we'll see Islamic banks to be born in Australia, China, Japan and other parts of the world."
"In Islamic banking the lender must share the risks with the beneficiary and the account holder is then treated rather as a shareholder and earn some revenue. The financial bids resemble lease with right of redemption, provision plans, joint purchase and sale contracts, or real partnership.
"The race for Islamic finance is mostly an attempt to control a flow of money estimated at 1.5 thousand miliardi di dollari in fondi del Medioriente, derivanti in maggior parte da più elevati prezzi del petrolio...Questi investimenti hanno ravvivato l’economia attraverso il mondo musulmano e allo stesso tempo hanno accresciuto il conservatorismo religioso dei 1.6 miliardi fedeli all’Islam. Il risultato è una domanda in espansione di servizi finanziari aderenti alla legge islamica...
“E mentre le più grandi banche islamiche si trovano nei ricchi stati del Golfo, i mercati potenziali più interessanti sono in Turchia e nel nord Africa (enfasi aggiunta) e tra i musulmani europei...
“...anche i non musulmani stanno godendo dei rendite competitive offerte dalla vasta gamma di prodotti Islamic. For instance, David Ong-Yeoh, a public relations manager tired to deplore the increasing interest rate on his adjustable rate mortgage, has renegotiated a thirty-year fixed rate with an Islamic financial institution. Now pays regular installments that include a predetermined profit margin for the bank.
"'The terms are more expensive than conventional loans,' said Ong-Yeoh, 41.
"Islamic finance also avoids practices prohibited .. other bankers who observe the Shariah can not receive or provide funds that have to do with alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco, weapons or pork. Proponents of Islamic banking say these are limits that an investor with a social conscience can support, Muslim or not. Another factor of interest is the prohibition of interest, which comes from the prohibition of usury by the Koran.
"It is a vision that has a long historical tradition and religion. Interest is repeatedly condemned in the Bible. Aristotle denounced them, confined them to the Romans, and the first Christian church forbade them ..
"The idea that all expenses related to the interests to be unjust is now the base of the Islamic finance ... The accumulation of money is not well regarded in the Koran, so savings do not produce profits unless being used for something productive.
"'The money should be used to create value in the country or the economy' said Maraj. 'Money can not generate money'.
"Neither Islamic banks can simply sell money. 'The Islamic financial model, banks should move the funds through a concept of management of the same' says Rafe Haneef, head of Islamic banking in Asia for Citigroup.
"In fact, the Islamic banking system should work more like a fair deal between individuals and not as understood in traditional banking systems. Haneef says 'private equity is an Islamic principle'.
“I sostenitori del settore dicono che il requisito di condivisione del rischio aiuta a ridurre il genere di abusi che ha portato al disastro dei mutui subprime negli Stati Uniti. Gli studiosi non considerano islamica l’idea di oberare i clienti di debiti o investire in aziende con eccessivi debiti”.
L’articolo del Washington Post ‘Islamic Banking: Steady in Shaky Times’, ottobre 2008, sosteneva che “Mentre i grandi istituti finanziari occidentali traballano per la crisi che si sta verificando da qualche settimana, un altro settore finanziario sta acquistando spessore: il sistema bancario islamico. I sostenitori dell’antica pratica, basata sulla guida della sharia che proibisce interests and do business with debt, are promoting Islamic finance as a cure against the global financial collapse.
"This week, trade minister of Kuwait, Agmad Baqer said that the global crisis will lead more countries to adopt Islamic principles in the management of their economies. The U.S. Treasury secretary, Robert M. Kimmet visiting Jeddah, said that experts in his department were studying the characteristics of Islamic banking.
Although the Islamic system of one million dollars is facing difficulties due to falling property prices and stocks, its supporters argue that the system has an intrinsic protection the type of collapse that has affected so many institutions. Because the use of financial instruments such as derivatives, accused of being responsible for the fall of the giants of the banking, insurance and investment, is prohibited. Just as the excessive risk.
"'The beauty of Islamic banking and why it can be used as a substitute for the current market is that it promises only what you have [as opposed to fractional reserve system of the Western banks]. Islamic banks are not protected if the economy is in decline, suffering but do not let anyone in need of repair 'says Majed al-Rephaiah, who runs the Unicorn Investment Bank based in Bahrain.
"The theological principle behind Islamic banking is a sacred law which states that the accumulation of interest is a form of usury, which is forbidden in Islam. In the modern world, this translates into an approach to money other than Western money can not stand still and generate more money. To grow to be invested in productive activities.
"'In Islamic finance you can not make money out of nothing,' says Amr al-Faisal, a member of the board of Dar al-Mal al-Islami, a holding company that owns several Islamic banks and financial institutions. 'Our business must be tied to real economic activity, as a good or service. You can not make money from money alone. You must have a building that was actually purchased, making a service, or selling an asset '.
The bankers of this Islamic system to assimilate depositors partner - their money is invested and they share the profits or, in case of losses. (In interviews, the bankers were unable to recall cases in which depositors have lost money, they say, this shows that the banks use these funds only in low-risk investments) "
It is easy to see why the Rothschilds and members of their conventional Western banks would be threatened by competition from a more convenient and conservative Islamic banking.
In late 2008, the French finance minister, Christine Lagarde, France announced its intention to become Paris 'the capital of Islamic finance' and added that a number of Islamic banks would open branches in the French capital in 2009 . French sources estimate that this area of \u200b\u200bfinancial market can be worth from 500 to 600 billion dollars and could increase by an average of 11 percent annually.
John Sandwick, Managing Director of Encore Management, an asset management company in Switzerland, described l’apertura di diverse banche islamiche in Svizzera come ‘la corsa al controllo del primo premio che oggi vale centinaia di miliardi ma nel futuro varrà migliaia di miliardi di dollari di ricchezza islamica.”
“Secondo Standard and Poor’s, gli investimenti del sistema bancario islamico sono stati di circa 400 miliardi di dollari in tutto il mondo nel 2009. A novembre del 2010, The Banker ha pubblicato la sua più recente autorevole lista dei 500 migliori istituti finanziari islamici con l’Iran in testa.” (iStockAnalyst, 8 febbraio 2011)
L’International Business Times, nel commentare l’apertura della Zitouna (Islamic) Bank lo scorso 28 maggio, ha riferito that "North Africa has begun to embrace Islamic finance after having been watching for years on the sidelines, in part to funnel more petrodollars of the Arabian Gulf to the region ... Tunisia has one of the most open economies in the region and attracting investment substantial by the EU, a trend which should be accelerated in 2014 that is when, according to the government, the Tunisian dinar will be fully convertible. "
The Global Islamic Finance News reported last May 31 that "the Zitouna Bank also seeks to create a regional dimension in its activities, particularly in the Maghreb, as much as possible so they can become the first specialized bank that does not belong to groups bancari stranieri... La banca inoltre cercherà di costruire profondi rapporti con le banche del Maghreb e mediterranee per garantire il flusso necessario per le operazioni finanziarie dei propri clienti. I dirigenti della banca hanno rimarcato il fatto che l’istituto finanziario ha stabilito rapporti con 12 banche islamiche in collaborazione con l’istituto delle banche islamiche nel Bahrain.
La formazione della Zitouna bank era stata annunciata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Tunisina il 10 settembre 2009. Tunisia e Marocco hanno autorizzato la finanza islamica nel 2007, in parte per incanalare più investimenti verso i settori a veloce crescita del turismo e immobiliare.
La Zitouna Bank di El Materi, data his relationship with Ben Ali, Tunisia was expanding in levels of monopoly. El Materi has built a powerful business empire: he worked in the field of news and media, banking systems and financial services, automotive, navigation, and cruises, real estate and agriculture, pharmaceutical industry and on 22 November he bought 50 % of shares in Orascom Telecom for 0.2 billion dollars. The newly inaugurated
Tunis Financial Harbour was about to become the regional center of finance and North Africa, with its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea, becoming a pontre between the EU and the growing economies of North African and ' Sub-Saharan Africa.
Il 20 gennaio 2011, la Zitouna Bank, prima banca islamica della Tunisia è stata confiscata dalla Banca Centrale della Tunisia, dei Rothschild. La banca di proprietà di Sakher El Materi, genero trentenne del deposto leader tunisino Zine El Abidine Ben Ali è stata posta sotto “il controllo” della banca centrale. Materi si trova ora a Dubai. La mossa è stata fatta il giorno dopo l’arresto di 33 persone legate a Ben Ali per crimini contro la nazione. La televisione di stato ha mostrato il materiale sequestrato consistente in oro e gioielli. Anche la Svizzera ha congelato i beni della famiglia di Ben Ali.
An image from the film "Life is wonderful"
The following scenario seems a stretch from the film's a Wonderful Life directed by Frank Capra in 1946, where the old Potter ( Rothschild) takes the traditional savings and loans by Harry Bailey (Islamic Bank):
of Islamic banking products (halal) are not penetrated significantly in North Africa, except Egypt. "... There are a number of Islamic banks operating in Egypt: Faisal Islamic Bank, Al Baraka Egypt (Al Ahram Bank) and Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank NBD. . . There may be other, "said Blake Goud, expert in Islamic Finance (The Review - Middle East, Jan. 31, 2011 )"... and the risk of a stroke at the counter in the bank should worry those who are interested in Islamic banking in the world they may be testing the strength of Islamic banks to the crisis.
"What it means is that the situation in Egypt, which could provide a wonderful opportunity for the people of Egypt, might show a weakness in the Islamic banking system should it prove problematic. The greatest risk for any bank is that with the run on the bank, the bank can not deal with the withdrawals of depositors with the liquids present in the bank at that time. This brings the bank to find liquids in other ways. In most cases, you may get an interbank loan from another bank allowing it to deal with the withdrawals. If other banks were to hesitate to lend money to the uncertainty on asset quality, then the bank will use the inter-bank deposit central bank, which shall be filed as a last resort.
"The key of the Islamic banks is that they can not take advantage of the market for interbank deposits, nor can they obtain loans or carried to the central bank (emphasis added) because those loans carry interest. The only alternative is to find other banks (usually Islamic) banks willing to extend the principle of Sharia bilateral loans, often using the Murabaha. In a country like Egypt where the Islamic banking sector is a small part of the banking system, it does not create a systemic risk if banks fail, but it would to other depositors of Islamic banks in the country and globally. If it happens that the risk of runs on banks in an Islamic bank can not be stopped by someone, whether a foreign bank, a multilateral such as the Islamic Development Bank and the Central Bank of Egypt (through emergency measures), then the confidence Islamic banks may be affected.
"If none of these options is feasible, the bank will seek funds by selling its assets, many of which (loans) are characterized by illiquidity in the short term. Will then lose the sale to obtain the necessary liquidity to meet withdrawals. If this situation continues and the bank sells assets several hotels, the bank's balance sheet is negative (the value of assets minus liabilities) and will become insolvent (only after the stage dell'illiquidità). This is the fundamental danger of the banking system from the perspective of financial stability. If many banks are facing a bank run and must sell asset, the race could become uncontrollable and contagious. Even a solid bank in front of a bank run may become insolvent.
"The loss of confidence is not only a blow to ego and reputation of the Islamic bankers. It would make it more difficult for Islamic banks' ability to attract and retain energy and could raise costs to attract depositors. This might make the bank under the same conditions, less profitable (it benefits from the spread between the return on funds invested and the cost of funds borrowed from depositors). Less efficiency means less ability to attrarregli investors for Islamic banks as they are limited opportunities of growth of capital through offering shares (or at least increase the dilution of the shareholders). It reduces the availability of capital integration as well as dividend by the shareholders.
"So, it is important that the Islamic banks in Egypt are able to overcome the bank run if anything should happen as there are rumors, not only to those shareholders of the banks but also for the field of Islamic banking."
In contrast, Bloomberg argues that "the Egyptian banks could face the charges at the opening of customer transactions, making it among the companies most affected by the lifting of national anti-President Hosni Mubarak. ... The central bank Governor Farouk El-Okdah said in a telephone interview last Jan. 29 that his bank has a reserve of 36 billion dollars, enough to satisfy customers if anything were to decide to withdraw their funds. His deputy, Hisham Ramez said that the interbank deposit "function properly" when the banks will be reopened. He added that the security situation will determine the date.
"Mohamed Barakat, chairman of state-owned bank Banque Misr and head of the national banking, said in a telephone interview, referring to the risks of runs on banks that" Egyptian providers are 'a lot fluids,' "with a loan-deposit ratio of 53%. [...] "The Egyptian interbank offered rate, ie the rate that banks require to lend money to each other is 16 months to 8, 5%."
The goals: to sponsor the pro-democracy activists
Rothschild These revolutions are made with the name of bringing democracy and to depose the despots, but the real goal is to create an initial chaos and vacuum of leadership, then quickly offer the solution: order established a puppet who will make the economic interests of the Rothschilds. The city gains the freedom of expression e di associazione ma viene asservito sotto l’aspetto economico.
Queste rivoluzioni sono molto probabilmente coordinate ai livelli più alti dal Rothschild International Crisis Group. Mohamed ElBaradei è stato già preparato a fare il leader in Egitto. ElBaradei è un fiduciario dell’International Crisis Group. Un altro consigliere di questo gruppo è Zbigniew Brzezinski. George Soros siede nel comitato esecutivo. Gli ultimi due sono personaggi onnipresenti per conto dei Rothschild.
Le rivoluzioni appartengono allo stesso programma politico delle ‘rivoluzioni colorate’ non violente. Queste rivoluzioni hanno avuto successo in Serbia (in particolar modo la rivoluzione dei Bulldozer del 2000), in Georgia with the Rose Revolution of 2003, Ukraine's Orange Revolution in 2004 in the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, and (though more violent than the previous ones) in the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan in 2005, and in the revolution of jasmine in Tunisia. The green revolution of 2009 Iran had no success.
liberal billionaire George Soros has funded the training of activists in North Africa
The Guardian reported November 26, 2006 the names of who was "directly involved" in the organization of the revolutions of colors: George Soros Open Society Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute and Freedom House. The Washington Post and The New York Times spoke of a substantial involvement of the West in some of these events.
activists of Otpor in Serbia have said that the publications and training they have received by the Albert Einstein Institution based in the United States had been instrumental in the design of their strategies. The Albert Einstein Institution is funded by the Soros Foundation and the NED. (Wikipedia)
The Globe & Mail article 'Revolt of Georgia has the mark of Soros, 26 November 2003, wrote that "[Soros' Open Society Institute] has left activist 31 years of Tbilisi called Giga Bokeria, Serbia to do so to meet with members of the movement Otpor (Resistance) to learn how they were used for street demonstrations to topple the dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Then, during the summer, Soros Foundation paid a return trip to the Otpor activists to Georgia, which held a three-day course taught over a thousand students how to stage a peaceful revolution. "
Egyptian activists wearing T-shirts Otpor. Otpor was founded by Soros in Serbia and other activists formed the color revolutions
Many demonstrators in the streets in Egypt wore Otpor T-shirts. Otpor and the delivery during the training sessions. This is to be noted that there may be a link between Soros and the protesters Tunisians.
in 2007-2008 Freedom House [founded by Soros and the Middle Eastern Partnership Initiative (MEPI)] directed the following program: "New Generation of Advocates, a program funded MEPI supporting young activists of civil society working for peaceful political change in the Middle East and North Africa, has initiated a campaign 'Lawyers Against Corruption' in Tunisia "(from the website of Freedom House). The group of journalists, lawyers and other activists who support democratic reforms "have incontrato il segretario di stato Condoleeza Rice, in viaggio da Washington in occasione dell’International Human Rights Day, il 10 dicembre 2008. A maggio del 2009, il segretario di stato Hillary Clinton ha incontrato il gruppo di attivisti/dissidenti. Freedom House ha scritto sul proprio sito che il gruppo ha anche incontrato “rappresentanti del governo americano, membri del congresso, organi d’informazione e i think tank... Al ritorno in Egitto, i componenti hanno ricevuto piccole parcelle per avviare iniziative su come sostenere le riforme politiche attraverso Facebook e messaggi SMS”. (enfasi aggiunta)
Ancora dal sito di Freedom House: “Dal 27 febbraio al 13 marzo 2010, Freedom House has hosted 11 bloggers from the Middle East and North Africa for a tour of advanced study of new media in Washington, DC. "
In 2010, Soros' Open Society Institute has funded a project called "Democracy can be suggested? The promise of participation of the Media in Africa "described on the OSI" ... Ethiopia and Egypt have been the target of the research program and the funding will allow the deployment of OSI projects in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Eritrea Rwanda ... and will hopefully help you understand the new media in Africa and their relationship with the processes of democratization. The aim is also to ensure that the studies may be useful material for future research. "
Facebook and Twitter have been the primary means for organizing the revolt in Egypt: "The activists of the Egyptian movement Kifaya (Enough) - a coalition of opposition to the government - and the youth movement organized on April 6 protests on Facebook and Twitter ..."( Voice of America)
In Foreign Policy Journal, Dr. DK Bolton writes January 19: "NED [National Endowment for Democracy] and Soros are working in tandem, designed to the same procedures and use the same methods ... At least 10 of the 22 directors are also members of the NED plutocratic think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations ... "(The Council of Foreign Relations is the amount of the American Royal Institute of International Affairs of the British Rothschild: both are tools of plutocratic control hidden from sunlight.
The following is a list part of the projects from the site of the NED for 2009 (latest year available):
In Tunisia the goal is to train young activists:
"Forum for the free thought of Al-Jahedh, $ 131,000. To enhance and build a democratic culture among the young activists in Tunisia.
"Center for Research, Education and Training Mohamed Ali [MACRST] 33.5000. To form a group of young activists in the Tunisian leadership and organizational skills to encourage their participation in public life. [MACRST] will conduct a 4-day intensive training program for trainers of a group of 10 young activists on civic leadership and organizational skills; activists will train 50 men and women aged between 20 and 40 years on leadership and decision-making , and will work with activists formed through 50 site visits of their respective organizations.
"Society for the Promotion of Education (APES), $ 27.000. To enhance the ability of teachers in high schools to promote Tunisian civil and democratic values nelle loro classi. APES condurrà il laboratorio di training per formatori per 10 professori universitari e ispettori scolastici, e terrà tre seminari di formazione attitudinale per 120 professori di liceo...”
Le suddette organizzazioni e hanno ricevuto i fondi da parte del NED in Tunisia, così come indicato dalle seguenti liste redatte negli anni precedenti:
2008: Il Forum per il libero pensiero di Al-Jadedhha, AJFFT, ha ricevuto 57,000 dollari per formare attivisti tunisini; il MACRST 37,000; il centro arabo tunisino Civitas 43,000 dollari per formare professori in “valori civici” e il Centro Internazionale per l’Impresa Privata, CIPE, 163,000 dollari per “inculcare the doctrine of free enterprise among the businessmen in Tunisia, which reflects the true oiettivo the NED to promote "democracy and civic values" globalization "(Bolton, 2011)
2007: 45.000 AJFFT received Tunisian activists to develop ; the Arab Institute for Civil Rights has received $ 43.900, 175.000, CIPE, the MACRST 38.500, the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights 60.000 dolalri for "strengthening a group of Tunisian lawyers so that mobilize citizens on issues of reform."
In Egypt, the number of projects under the NED has doubled in 2009 to a total of 33 projects for the democracy of 1.4 million dollars the objective has shifted from the promotion of free enterprise to train young human rights lawyers and the identification and training of young activists. It will be interesting to see when and if NED will publish the list of projects in 2010. An example of the projects of the NED in 2009, the site of the NED:
The Egyptian union of young liberals (EULY) 33.300. To expand the use of new media among young activists and to promote democratic values \u200b\u200band ideas. EULY teach 60 young activists such as film and spread the values \u200b\u200bof democracy. The union intends to conduct four workshops of two months each to build political awareness and technical capacity to film con la partecipazione di giovani coinvolti in ONG.
L’ Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies (AITAS), 48,900 dollari. Per migliorare la comprensione da parte dei giovani del parlamento egiziano e dell’uso da parte degli attivisti regionali delle nuove tecnologie e dei mezzi di responsabilità. AITAS condurrà una serie di laboratori per 300 studenti universitari per aumentare la loro consapevolezza delle funzioni del parlamento e stimolarli a monitorare le attività dei parlamentari. AITAS terrà anche tirocini per giovani attivisti del Medioriente e del Nord Africa per condividere la propria esperienza sull’uso delle tecnologie basate sulla rete nel monitorare i lavori.
Bridge Center for Dialogue and Development (BTRD), 25,000 dollari. Per promuovere l’espressione dei giovani e stimolarli in questioni riguardanti la comunità attraverso i nuovi media. BTRD formerà giovani di età compresa tra 16 e 26 anni nell’uso dei media nuovi e tradizionali perché si occupino di temi riguardanti le loro comunità. BRTD inoltre creerà un sito per i video sui diritti umani e campagne sui nuovi media in Egitto.
Egyptian Democracy Institute (EDI), 48,900 dollari. Per promuovere senso di responsabilità e trasparenza nel parlamento attraverso la partecipazione pubblica e per costruire un’attitudine legislativa. EDI produrrà rapporti trimestrali e terrà seminari per discutere the overall activity of the Parliament and offer guidance on the proposed law in the People's Assembly. EDI will monitor and collect documented evidence of corruption in Cairo and Alexandria.
-Union Lawyers for Democratic and Legal Studies (LUDLS), $ 20.000. To uphold the freedom of association with the capacity of activists to express themselves peacefully and to organize within the confines of the law. LUDLS train 250 young activists on the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
Our Hands for Comprehensive Development, $ 19.200. To encourage young people to Minya civic activism and encourage volunteering and youth initiatives. Our Hands held two public meetings to discuss the challenges with young people and to identify young leaders who could benefit from further training. Participants will produce a short video on the political participation of youth, will develop and implement plans to solve the problems of young people of the governorate. Our Hands will provide the youth of the Minya opportunity to learn from the experience of activists and NGOs in Cairo and connect to them.
"Youth Forum, $ 19.000. To expand and maintain a network of young activists on college campuses and encourage the participation of Egyptian university students union elections of the students. and civic activities on campus ... "
NED e Soros hanno iniettato milioni di dollari nella formazione di professori pro democrazia, giuristi, giornalisti e giovani attivisti del Nord Africa. Nel 2009 hanno raddoppiato i loro sforzi di formazione. Perché proprio ora il sostegno a dittatori da 30 anni al potere è stato minato? Il premio sono le economie nord africane in veloce crescita. Tutto questo coincide con gli sforzi di Ben Ali di fare della Tunisia il centro finanziario del Nord Africa e di promuovere il sistema bancario islamico. I Rothschild vogliono che i musulmani del Nord Africano prendano soldi in prestito dalle loro banche e che paghino gli interessi al tasso deciso dalla Banca Centrale dei Rothschild: non vogliono che la gente possa prendere soldi dalle banche islamiche without paying any interest. The Rothschilds want the Muslims to exchange their current political oppression by brutal dictators of the future economic servitude under the control of the banker Lord Rothschild.
Translation for by RENATO MONTINI
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