Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How To Unsubscribe Freeones

Next, Sons of the Fatherland!

Arise children of the fatherland, / The day of glory has arrived! / Against us, tyranny / The bloody flag is raised / Do you hear in the countryside / howling of these fearsome soldiers? / They vienna into your arms / murder our son, our companions.
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
That vet this horde of slaves / deal and conspiratorial kings? / To whom these vile shackles, / the long-prepared irons? / French! For us, ah! What an insult! / What fury it must arouse! / Is us they dare / to return to the old slavery!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
What! These foreign cohorts / would rule in our home! / What! These phalanges mercenaries / down our proud warriors / Gran God! By chained hands / our brows would bend beneath the yoke; / vile despots would / masters of our destinies! ...
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
Tremble tyrants! And traitors, / the shame of all parties, / Tremble! Your projects parricide / will finally receive their prize! / Everything is a soldier to fight you / if they get our young hero / France produces new, / cons you ready to fight!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
French as magnanimous warriors, or carry or hold back your blows / Spare these sad victims / a Regretfully arming against us / but these despots Sanguinar, / but these accomplices of / all these tigers without pity / tear the womb!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
Sacred Love of the Fatherland / drive and support our avenging arms / Freedom beloved liberty, / Fight with your defenders! / Under our flag, the Victorian / Hurry to your manly tones! / Thy dying enemies / see your triumph and our glory!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
We will enter the career / quand nos aînés n'y seront plus;/ nous y trouverons leur poussière/ et la trace de laurs vertus/ bien moins jaloux de leur survivre/ que de partager leur cercueil,/ nous aurons le sublime orueil/ de les venger ou de les suivre!
Aus armes, citoyens!/ Formez vos batailons!/ Marchons!/ Marchons!/ Qu'un sang impur/ Abrevue nos sillons!

Contro la Spagna sarà durissima. Affrontare le Furie Rosse, che hanno dato prova di saper giocare un gran calcio, senza Pirlo e Gattuso sarà una sofferenza.
Ma nel frattempo assaporiamo sweet moment ... slowly ... I will miss Domenech

Friday, June 13, 2008

Answers To Ap Bio Lab 6

Foundation paradoxical

are not satisfied with what I wrote, but I'm happy to have finished. It was just what I had to put pen to paper, but it is still the cornerstone of my future home. It is not to pose without thinking about it, without thinking, without fear. Yes, afraid even if its just a pebble.
It 's a small thing, full of errors of credulity of flaws, discrepancies, but I feel the same euphoric. Am I wrong? Chissenefregasesbaglioasentirmicosì.
I could organize myself better, but not burst its banks. Today I see a lot that
non mi renderà infelice anche in caso di sconfitta.
Tra poco parlerò via etere con una Stella, perchè ogni sognatore si merita il suo astro luminoso. E il mio risplende come non mai in questo momento. Una piccola stella che brucia come una galassia di Soli.

Mi piacciono le giornate fresche, serene. Mi piace la pioggia. Oggi è stata una bella giornata di timido sole che, forse, cederà il passo all'acqua. Ho due piccioni con una fava.

Oggi è una bella giornata.
Spero sia lo stesso per tutti voi!