Saturday, December 6, 2008
Dyslexia Getting Picked On
... it is true that in principle yields painful Milan are due to a general lack of play, but there is also saying that when you deal with Pirlo, Ambrosini, Seedorf, Bonera, Inzaghi, Nesta, Borriello and Ronaldinho is injured you do with natural pessimism with the challenge of Catania ...
These are eight-eleventh of a hypothetical (or even weak) squad ... all lined up in the infirmary ...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Marines & Motorcycle Clip Art
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kates Playground Las Vegas Escort
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
La Sportiva Nepal Evo Gtx Aconcagua
E alla fine ce l'ha fatta davvero.
Obama è presidente.
Ora MUST meet all the requirements and expectations, or will be torn to pieces.
can do it, it must do so. We hope not to disappoint all part of the world that has supported.
If I were Obama unplug the phone for a few days ... Mafiolo, our eighth dwarf, has already said that, being older, will give advice ...
Then there are people like that ... no Gasparri by no comment. The nature has already offended too physically and mentally, comment beyond his words would be too ...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Vladmodels Legal Or Not Legal? ...
... Massa deserved the victory complete, not only first place in the Grand Prix. Instead of arrogant, spoiled, conceited as a Hamilton ...
pity for the result ... but then the last few laps were really spectacular!
Marines & Motorcycle Clipart
Fotosciòp I'm loving the madness!
I'll have to squeeze thoroughly Antonio to learn all they can ...
As in all the chance to try, repeat, possibly be erased with a simple gesture is very reassuring. So even color has far fewer problems when instead you grab a brush full of acrylic paint or other available, where to correct the mistakes and the chapel is much more complicated.
Not to mention the speed of execution, the possible effects ... you understand that I really like Photoshop? :)
THIS is my gallery on DeviantArt, if you want to look at my first attempts with Fotoschiopp go there ... are the latest works put online.
It seems an unnecessary duplication of tables and illustrations put online is there that on this blog, so you probably will update more often cartoony talking "on DA here ...
Your sinister populist neighborhood (and let / us / me a favor ... make a little 'critical sense! :)...).
a taste ... my very first attempt of these days PS:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Nero Vision Express Gratis
You can agree or disagree with the occupations and demonstrations anti Gelmini.
Io, personalmente, alle superiori non ero molto favorevole alle occupazioni.
Il mio Liceo era in mano a finti sinistrati (perchè non siamo più di sinistra, siamo sinistrati visto chi ci è capitato come rappresentante...) figli di ricconi che avevano solo paroloni e poca sostanza.
Per cui non sono a favore di queste cose.
Ma perchè quando il governo non era questo i TG non facevano così?
C'è un bombardamento terrificante di servizi che vogliono far vedere quanto gli studenti che protestani siano pochi, quanto la maggioranza voglia studiare e sia a favore del governo...
...mi sembra schifosamente propaganda. Almeno la facessero meglio, meno palese, sarebbe anche digeribile...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hoover President Dishwasher
Monday, September 8, 2008
Victoria Secret Bra Small Breast
Mi ero stancato di chinare le mie tavole, per cui mi sono messo a scarabocchiare su un foglio. E all'improvviso, dopo un po' di magheggi, è spuntato uno strano Batman. Non era assolutamente il mio obiettivo, ad un certo punto il disegno ha preso da solo la sua strada...

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Chemicals In Blunt Wraps
Certe idee e affermazioni di politici paraculisti D.O.C. mi spiazzano.
La cosa grave è che probabilmente molte persone, not only in Veneto, would agree with the proposition of Pagliaccia Donazzan ...
Speaking of bloody religious fundamentalists in the morning puts me in a bad mood ...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Weather Derivatives Market In 2009
Old subscribers pay 30 euro for a flat to 4 megs. While
Free, with great sympathy, thrown on the market to offer 15 euro for 8 megs. Half price, double speed, remains the same.
In the past, when it came to 56k, Available usually passed the old rates to new subscribers and then put on the market.
It 's also a matter of sheer commercial logic. If you already
, including illegible mail with other providers and p2p severely limited, Libero was obscene to the limit, we can now say with certainty that
Logic grabber and contempt for the customer (it's strangely fall line 4 times with the call center until we have previously threatened to speak with a lawyer in the case of new "fall "...): should put these two features as description society ...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
How Do I Get Bots In Dota
copying of certain pieces of "Sin City" with a few tricks from recycled "300".
was shaky, pathetic, pompous. The new trailer
not reassure me about the plot and the approach of Miller, however, ensures that probably in terms of graphics will be a step forward and ten steps back as it was thought at first. So if you really will be horrible plot and direction, at least it will be a feast for the eyes ...
PS = SL But Jackson seems to have slightly frayed the Maronites ...
PS2 = I do not want to comment on female counterparts ... it is true that the visual part of the film alone could be worth the movie ticket ... (arf arf!)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Best Mousse For Wavy Hair
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Flight Sim Air Brakes
It 's our trial by fire.
It 's the time of trial for a people perpetually divided but was able to give the world an empire like no other epoch-making discoveries, the brains of priceless delicacy, like running water culture, art in every moment.
E 'came the instant in which to understand if you need a diagnosis of brain death for a nation or if there is still hope.
We have a government full of ministers puppets, made specifically to issues of female quotas (in the face of so many women in politics who really deserve the role of government, but would be difficult to control ...) or debts (whether parties that now technically no longer exist).
We have granted immunity to officers of state without adding that it would be better than those who have or will be brought to trial / investigation is not white.
The government puts the Trust every two seconds, and nobody does it weigh in media outlets. Every trust of the government last instead seemed to be almost worthy of a special edition of the TG. We administered
panacea for the problems that most concern us, and apparently fall for us without questions. They deployed the military, clearly visible and publicized.
"We are doing something to make you feel safe" wave the flag, hoping that people forget that insecurity is not just about the lack of law enforcement, but also by the certainty that the act is also punishable in the criminal and ridiculously inadequate. What can make me afraid
four soldiers who are chatting with each other without even looking around when I know that probably, whatever I do, it will not even a month in jail? The area
I live in has a bad reputation not entirely deserved (a legacy of the past).
They placed a jeep with four soldiers and two policemen shaved a couple of streets over my building.
there actually people are afraid to move. Yes, even now with the military.
because they are afraid to shoot in the evening and night, not during the day. And the military
off before sunset ...
During medieval sieges often the defenders went mad, devoted themselves to superstition, rituals and even cannibalism. Perhaps we are undergoing a siege, and not so slowly, we're giving ...
- (Scary that these same words, with only necessary changes to the details, I been able to spend for the other side ...) -
The ministrONZA , unmissable. Although I'd like to see something similar to the phenomenon (a circus?) Of Prestigiacomo ...
Some things are shaking our heads . Who says the truth is always biased, the indoctrinated are also willing to insult the intelligence of the public while repeating the words that have been forced to learn by heart (listen well Presty) e. .. just that it is morning, between little is a friend of mine, I expect an afternoon of talk and drawings and I do not want to ruin it further.
Hooray for bibliophiles and Opus Dei!
PS = No no comment moderation on this blog. Not control them even before they are published, they appear directly on the Internet. So if you can not comment on the check that you have correctly written word recognition and have selected the correct identity.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sympathy Of Chicken Pocks
These days you are putting into question the sanctity of human life. Someone is cowardly
rowing against all the inalienable rights that God and nature have always ensured that wonderful being that is man.
anyone with his actions would endanger a life form that, as no longer gives signs of presence, it is still a life.
why I suggest an act of courage:
That all those who in these days, bring in front of the Duomo in Milan a Libra.
Giuliano Ferrara no signs of cerebral life of at least a few decades, but it is absurd that the people remain silent in front of which are making havoc of his body! Doctors, cowardly opposition to any form of real life , are trying by all means bring it to the end of his life filled up with food. We say ENOUGH !
We do not want the gastronomic euthanasia for Ferrara!
Just because it seems that they lobotomized as a child does not mean you deserve this!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sprinkler Head Trimmer And Cleaner
Scarabocchiare, scrivere a spezzoni, leggere. Sorseggiare piano una bibita, lanciare uno sguardo al cane che si è piazzato sul letto e dorme. Al mio posto. Con un minuscolo triangolo di lingua fuori, come un bimbo concentrato.
Amici di amici. Che se esiste giustizia al mondo, prima o poi avranno MOLTO seguito.
Qua c'è il loro MySpace, dove si può "assaggiarli" un po'.
Mentre a questo indirizzo potete watch the video of "The Testament of a Clown." Video discovered yesterday evening at the home of Japo.
Unfortunately some of the songs that I like the album are not among those presented on their site ...
"[...] what is not mine I know I never will.
cry against God but I never listen.
off my dress covers my stigmata.
dry blood is as futile.
thief of my "I do not ever revive.
of my obsession will not laugh
when I go alone ... "
Friday, July 11, 2008
Harvest Gold Toilet Seats
... yes, I do not update for a lifetime. Temporizes cheerfully.
But to start quietly, before leaving for Avignon, a small tribute to two days spent in the company of brave Billy, of which facilitates a photo footage below.

A volcanic character on that will bring out things of great interest, certainly. Not to mention that soon will also have his blog (when that captures &% $ and a Haker that haunts his PC to stop breaking balls) ...
And in the coming days, if non andra Storto nulla in questo super rush final anche io e Tia riusciremo has spedire the Tavole per Fumetti in Tv ... Speriamo bene!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
How To Unsubscribe Freeones
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
That vet this horde of slaves / deal and conspiratorial kings? / To whom these vile shackles, / the long-prepared irons? / French! For us, ah! What an insult! / What fury it must arouse! / Is us they dare / to return to the old slavery!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
What! These foreign cohorts / would rule in our home! / What! These phalanges mercenaries / down our proud warriors / Gran God! By chained hands / our brows would bend beneath the yoke; / vile despots would / masters of our destinies! ...
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
Tremble tyrants! And traitors, / the shame of all parties, / Tremble! Your projects parricide / will finally receive their prize! / Everything is a soldier to fight you / if they get our young hero / France produces new, / cons you ready to fight!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
French as magnanimous warriors, or carry or hold back your blows / Spare these sad victims / a Regretfully arming against us / but these despots Sanguinar, / but these accomplices of / all these tigers without pity / tear the womb!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
Sacred Love of the Fatherland / drive and support our avenging arms / Freedom beloved liberty, / Fight with your defenders! / Under our flag, the Victorian / Hurry to your manly tones! / Thy dying enemies / see your triumph and our glory!
Aus arms, citizens! / Form your battalions! / Walk! / Walk! / Impure blood / Abrevue our furrows!
We will enter the career / quand nos aînés n'y seront plus;/ nous y trouverons leur poussière/ et la trace de laurs vertus/ bien moins jaloux de leur survivre/ que de partager leur cercueil,/ nous aurons le sublime orueil/ de les venger ou de les suivre!
Aus armes, citoyens!/ Formez vos batailons!/ Marchons!/ Marchons!/ Qu'un sang impur/ Abrevue nos sillons!
Contro la Spagna sarà durissima. Affrontare le Furie Rosse, che hanno dato prova di saper giocare un gran calcio, senza Pirlo e Gattuso sarà una sofferenza.
Ma nel frattempo assaporiamo sweet moment ... slowly ... I will miss Domenech
Friday, June 13, 2008
Answers To Ap Bio Lab 6
are not satisfied with what I wrote, but I'm happy to have finished. It was just what I had to put pen to paper, but it is still the cornerstone of my future home. It is not to pose without thinking about it, without thinking, without fear. Yes, afraid even if its just a pebble.
It 's a small thing, full of errors of credulity of flaws, discrepancies, but I feel the same euphoric. Am I wrong? Chissenefregasesbaglioasentirmicosì.
I could organize myself better, but not burst its banks. Today I see a lot that
non mi renderà infelice anche in caso di sconfitta.
Tra poco parlerò via etere con una Stella, perchè ogni sognatore si merita il suo astro luminoso. E il mio risplende come non mai in questo momento. Una piccola stella che brucia come una galassia di Soli.
Mi piacciono le giornate fresche, serene. Mi piace la pioggia. Oggi è stata una bella giornata di timido sole che, forse, cederà il passo all'acqua. Ho due piccioni con una fava.
Oggi è una bella giornata.
Spero sia lo stesso per tutti voi!