Monday, July 14, 2008
Sympathy Of Chicken Pocks
These days you are putting into question the sanctity of human life. Someone is cowardly
rowing against all the inalienable rights that God and nature have always ensured that wonderful being that is man.
anyone with his actions would endanger a life form that, as no longer gives signs of presence, it is still a life.
why I suggest an act of courage:
That all those who in these days, bring in front of the Duomo in Milan a Libra.
Giuliano Ferrara no signs of cerebral life of at least a few decades, but it is absurd that the people remain silent in front of which are making havoc of his body! Doctors, cowardly opposition to any form of real life , are trying by all means bring it to the end of his life filled up with food. We say ENOUGH !
We do not want the gastronomic euthanasia for Ferrara!
Just because it seems that they lobotomized as a child does not mean you deserve this!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sprinkler Head Trimmer And Cleaner
Scarabocchiare, scrivere a spezzoni, leggere. Sorseggiare piano una bibita, lanciare uno sguardo al cane che si è piazzato sul letto e dorme. Al mio posto. Con un minuscolo triangolo di lingua fuori, come un bimbo concentrato.
Amici di amici. Che se esiste giustizia al mondo, prima o poi avranno MOLTO seguito.
Qua c'è il loro MySpace, dove si può "assaggiarli" un po'.
Mentre a questo indirizzo potete watch the video of "The Testament of a Clown." Video discovered yesterday evening at the home of Japo.
Unfortunately some of the songs that I like the album are not among those presented on their site ...
"[...] what is not mine I know I never will.
cry against God but I never listen.
off my dress covers my stigmata.
dry blood is as futile.
thief of my "I do not ever revive.
of my obsession will not laugh
when I go alone ... "
Friday, July 11, 2008
Harvest Gold Toilet Seats
... yes, I do not update for a lifetime. Temporizes cheerfully.
But to start quietly, before leaving for Avignon, a small tribute to two days spent in the company of brave Billy, of which facilitates a photo footage below.
A volcanic character on that will bring out things of great interest, certainly. Not to mention that soon will also have his blog (when that captures &% $ and a Haker that haunts his PC to stop breaking balls) ...
And in the coming days, if non andra Storto nulla in questo super rush final anche io e Tia riusciremo has spedire the Tavole per Fumetti in Tv ... Speriamo bene!